
on 4/12/13 11:13 am - NC
RNY on 05/13/13
After numerous testing, and passing everything my papers have been sent to Insurance. Once they approve, hopefully they do I will get my surgery date! I am nervous and excited!!


on 4/12/13 11:18 am - WI
RNY on 04/04/13

Congrats, I know you are glad that is behind you.  I will pray for a speedy approval for you, I was amazed mine only took 6 days,

         Surgery Weight 245


on 4/12/13 1:07 pm

Very exciting news - keeping my fingers crossed that it is not a long wait for you. Good Luck!!!


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RNY: 01-23-2012 Weight day of Surgery - 286lbs ~ Weight as of 09-13-2013 164lbs

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