6 month surgeriversary!! :)

Robin R.
on 4/15/13 3:32 am - PA
RNY on 10/12/12

Hey all! just a couple days past my 6 month point and I didn't even realize it had passed!! SW 283 and CW 193....10 more lbs til a 100lb loss.  a few nsvs as well... i'm in a new wonderful relationship with the most loving man ever

Calla Lily
on 4/15/13 3:55 am
RNY on 01/23/12

Congrats! Happy half a year to you!

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


Robin R.
on 4/15/13 4:02 am - PA
RNY on 10/12/12

fooooor some reason the rest of my post didn't show up..... ok so ....cont... also, the hills by his parents house would have made me need to take breaks every 5 minutes and i can walk them pretty easily, there's a chair at my moms house that i filled out when i sat in it before and now i have inches of empty space on each side of me. i've done a lot of crazy moving around in the last few months and have been under a lot of stress, now i'm back living at my moms just to get things settled for awhile.

also, just wanted to know how you guys felt at your 6 month point? what size portions are you eating? still falling a little behind or up to a normal sized portion? has your weight loss up to that point been satisfactory for you? what is your favorite protein filled meal that you can eat now that you've put those liquid and pureed stages behind you? 

on 4/15/13 4:07 am
RNY on 04/02/13 with

Super huge mega *CONGRATULATIONS* on your progress so far! 


on 4/15/13 4:24 am - PA
RNY on 10/30/12

Congrats!  You're a few weeks ahead of me.  I've hit a slow patch & struggling a little bit- not getting enough calories (getting 650-850/day) What kinds of things are you eating?  up til now I was having a protein shake for breakfast & then nothing until lunch.  Thinking about adding a snack in there.

on 4/15/13 4:58 am - PA

Love you Robin.  You're doing great.  Don't worry about your portion size; you're absolutely fine.  Just take your vitamins and count your protein.  Let the doc look at your blood work in a few weeks.  Everything is fine.  Love,  Mom :-)

on 4/15/13 4:59 am - PA
on 4/15/13 5:00 am
RNY on 05/08/13






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