I'm embarrassed to post this.....weight (i know, i know) and calcium

on 4/15/13 12:12 pm - Camp Verde, AZ
RNY on 12/31/12

3 month follow-up today.  Good news - my A1c, which was 13.1 4 months prior to surgery is now 6.4!  I'm down to the pre-diabetic range!  Yay me! All labs are normal except for iron.  Ferritin is 10, and iron saturation is 5.  So.....low.  Hopefully inc. the iron to 3 times daily will work. Okay so the weight - my weight the am of surgery was 305, I had dropped 21 lbs.  Today I weighed 258.   Now he did say that the ulcers and bleeds set me back about 6-8 weeks, but he kind of implied that most people lose  50-60 lbs. in the first 3 months.  Oh my God!   I have only been able to function  the last 6 weeks after needing 3 bags of  blood after 2 pretty serious GI bleeds.   Whew..all I know is that I've read many posts that slow and steady wins the race....but I'm struggling with feeling not good.  I hate feelng not good enough....darn it.

on 4/15/13 12:55 pm - Jenison, MI

I'm in your boat. At my 3 mo (2 wks late) appt, I had lost 46 lbs. I am disappointed in my progress, but have been assured by the doctor that I'm ok. He was surprised when I told him I don't dump...on anything. He said, "Well, you couldn't eat an ice cream cone or anything.." but I did! I didn't fini**** but it didn't make me sick! At 6 weeks, I had a baby DQ cone. NOTHING has made me dump, so I have to be extra careful to stay away from sugars, fats, and carbs. It makes it way more difficult, but not impossible.

on 4/15/13 1:06 pm
Why would you try a D**** cream so early out? I'm not trying to be mean but concerned that anyone that goes through major surgery would intentially try something that would cause them to dump (if in the percentage that do dump).

Please use your honeymoon period to optimize weight loss and learn good habits. If not it's possible you'll find the long-term life after WLS very difficult to maintain.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 4/15/13 3:11 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
I was told 3-5 pounds avg a wk was normal your wait sounds good to me. Esp. with all you've gone through. How often have you lost this much in this time pre op?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 4/16/13 1:37 am - Camp Verde, AZ
RNY on 12/31/12

Good point!  Like never!  It is kind of amazing if you think about it!  I feel much better after a good nights sleep and somehow I'm feeling pretty good about how well I'm doing!  Thanks so much!

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/16/13 2:09 am, edited 4/16/13 2:09 am - OH

People lose weight at different rates and people who have more to lose lose much more quickly... So a blanket statement from your surgeon that people lose 50-60 pounds in 3 months is nonsense.  Some do, dome don't.  The best "guideline" is losing half your excess weight at SIX months out.

Many people here lost very erratically early out, or very "slowly" early out, so do NOT get discouraged.  I started out a bit slower than most considering my starting weight, but lost 100 pounds at 6 months out (about 50%), and continued losing well until 9 months out when I hit a nine week stall.  After the stall broke, I continued losing, but MUCH more slowly.  It took me until 20 months out to lose all of the 190 pounds.  I am now almost six years out, though, and am maintaining my loss, so I will tell you to FOCUS ON YOUR NEW EATING HABITS, NOT ON THE SCALE.  The scale will NOT help you Mai rain you weight loss down the road, but the new eating habits WILL (and if you do not truly embrace and learn we ways of eating, you will have trouble maintaining the weight loss long term.)

Relax.  Do what you know you need to do.  You will be fine!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 4/16/13 2:43 am - Camp Verde, AZ
RNY on 12/31/12

Thanks for that!!!  You know I haven't been focused on the scale at all.  This was my first weigh in since the surgeon's office post-office.  And this is why I don't weigh myself right now....to fall into the whole # mentality is such a pain! I can see the need for weekly weigh-ins further out, to kind of maintain the self-honesty, but for now I'm so far from a goal I think the main thing I need is just to eat protein and drink water!  Thanks, big time for your post though.  The 50% at six months is something I didn't know and its helpful to know that as a kind-of guideline.

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