Questions I am getting mixed answers

on 4/18/13 4:48 am
RNY on 09/10/13 with
I am scheduled for my rny in September. For my after care my doctor says no protein shakes, 3 meals a day and very minimal snacking. I am confused because I have read it should be 5-6 small meals with a healthy snacks allowed. My doctor also says no fruit.
on 4/18/13 5:39 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

Many doctors have different plans. None are the same.

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Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 4/18/13 5:40 am
When I asked the same question, the answer was that many of these surgeons do the procedure differently, so it's important to follow the instructions of the doctor who does your surgery. He's had good results --- trust him (or her).

Angie in Missouri, US
on 4/18/13 8:44 am - OH

What different ways to they do the procedure that would make it better to eat only three meals or better to eat six small meals?  I am not aware of so many different ways to do RNY.  I'd like to hear more about this.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/18/13 5:54 am - PA
RNY on 08/06/12
I would follow your doctors plan at least for the first 6 months. By then you should know what your body needs (snacks, fruits). Get to know your pouch and you alone will know what your body needs.


Neen L.
on 4/18/13 5:54 am - Arlington, VA

Yep, every surgeon is different. I couldn't eat fruit for awhile after surgery, and the explanation I was given was that it was mostly because it is fibrous and hard to digest early on. My surgeon also recommended getting protein through meals and not protein shakes as well, but I've seen a wide variety of plans described on here. I'd stick with your surgeon's plan, because it is much easier to follow-up with them later on and understand what is or isn't working for you, when they already know what plan you're following.

Best wishes for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!


Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

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Need a pick-me-up? Read this:

MyLady Heidi
on 4/18/13 6:34 am

You will not be able to easily tolerate food directly after surgery, quite frankly I would avoid a doctor that suggests no protein drinks and food only in the beginning, doesn't sound like he knows what he is talking about.  There is no conceivable way you can eat enough directly after surgery to get near the amount of protein your body will need.  I don't think doctors who put patients on a clear liquid diet after surgery know what they are doing either.  That crap scares me, you have major surgery and you are supposed to starve your body of the one thing it needs.  Protein.

Citizen Kim
on 4/18/13 8:06 am - Castle Rock, CO

I'm still alive

It's wholly possible to do clear liquids for two weeks followed by food and NO protein shakes. 

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Karen R.
on 4/18/13 2:48 pm
RNY on 04/14/13

I've got to chime in with Sin Kim here.  That's the plan I'm on too (basically).  I've got clear liquids first, then full liquids and so on.  No protein shakes until after two weeks (I'll be meeting with the doc then and we'll discuss it).  I haven't had any problems so far, and I'm dropping weight like crazy.  So I'm going to follow directions and see where this takes me.

5'4" | Pre Surgery BMI:  40.7 | Current BMI:  20.8 | SW:  237 |  CW:  121 |  GW:  125

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on 4/18/13 8:13 am - Anoka, MN

All docs are different. It depends on their experience with patients, how and where they do the new pouch, how they believe youll do on 3, 4, or 5 meals a day and a lot of other criteria. I wasn't on any protein shakes (thank goodness) and got all my protein from food. Worked well for me and my doc has the same guidelines for all his patients. He has a higher than normal success rate so for us it's the right thing to do. I've only ever had 3 meals per day and a snack or two if needed. When doing strenuous exercise the extra snack(s) are necessary. Fruit is an individual thing. You may get it later on but not as a new post op. Most fruits are a lot of sugar and we don't need that when we're trying to get in as much protein as possible. Also some citrus fruits are not good on a new pouch and some say they contribute to ulcers or are painful when the new pouch is healing. I didn't have any fruit for a long time after surgery. No room. Once I got the protein in I was full. Follow your docs schedule. It's do-able and you'll be glad you had it done.

Jen 11 yrs post op RNY

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