Welll... Its 3 Days postop!!

Katie Rouleau
on 4/19/13 3:33 pm - Lake Bluff, IL

So, i had surgery on wednesday and i just got home about 8 oclock friday! I really have only a few complaints i cant walk straight, i walk hunched over a little bit. My tummy is very very sore! When i was in the hospital i had an adverse reaction to the morphine so we had to stop that real quick! I was getting all kind of nauseous and dizzy. Ive been up walking around since day one! We even stopped at walgreens on the way home and did a little shopping. My only concern is my liquids. Im sipping sipping sipping on water and a protein shake and some broth and alternating. see i cant tell if im full or just really sore. And i cant find a comfortable way to lay down :( but over all I think i feel better then i should! Lol i stil feel al that gas moving around in my belly... that needs to go asap, same with this burping thing i keep doing! 

Any advice for the next couple days would be very appreciated!!! 

on 4/19/13 4:51 pm - FL
RNY on 04/17/13
I'm right there with you. Also 3 days out. Not glad that you are experiencing those things, but I know that I am not the only one. I am at a hotel close to the hospital, because I live 2 hrs away. They want to make sure that nothing comes up. From all that I read here, what we are experiencing is very normal.
on 4/19/13 5:16 pm - CA

I am 7 days out and still sore :( After day 4-5 you should be able to find a comfortable way to sleep. For me it was almost partially sideways, with a pillow on my belly. I feel like I am full all the time. I also have no idea if that is soreness, or just being full. It is strange!

My advice about shopping is just to be careful. Do not over do it. Whenever I push myself a little too hard I get really dizzy :(

RNY Surgery was on 4/12/2013. Now currently on the Never hungry ever bench

Starting weight: 320lbs

Current Weight:  203lbs


Karen R.
on 4/19/13 6:56 pm
RNY on 04/14/13

I'm six days out and I find that I wake up feeling pretty well, but as the day goes on, I wear down.  I've been walking like I should and can do about 30-40 minutes at a time without any trouble, but any more than that and I begin to hurt.  I think it's about knowing your limits.  Every day I feel a little stronger.  I'm sure you will too!  Best of luck to you.

5'4" | Pre Surgery BMI:  40.7 | Current BMI:  20.8 | SW:  237 |  CW:  121 |  GW:  125

LilySlim Weight loss tickers



on 4/19/13 10:58 pm, edited 4/19/13 10:59 pm

Congrats to you all! JUST KEEP SIPPING FLUIDS, WALKING (I used a pillow even when I walked to help with the pain and gas pressure) TAKING VITAMINS WHEN YOU ARE ALLOWED. GOOD LUCK! This will pass quickly.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

In Christ



Brenda S.
on 4/20/13 2:12 am - FL
RNY on 04/09/13
I kept a pillow handy to hold to my belly. It helped when shifting positions, and for the first few days, I slept with it against my belly. I could even position it just right and sleep on my side! I had 3 c-sections and a hysterectomy prior to this, and that's the best trick I learned along the way.


on 4/20/13 3:53 am - NC

3 days post op here too.  My stomach really hurts.  I wonder when the pain will leave?  Hard work getting in the shakes, water, pain meds, walks, taking my temp., using my breathing tube, checking my blood, and getting sleep.  When do I start back on my vitamins?  Good luck to all---this has been more difficult and painful than I expected.

Kim B.
on 4/20/13 9:30 am - worthington, OH
RNY on 04/15/13

My RNY surgery was on Monday, so I guess that makes me 5 days post op.  I don't know if you had a bowel movement or not yet, but a few hours after I did, I felt ALOT BETTER.  Alot of the stomach pains I was having was from that.  I've also figured out the pain I have is muscular, so I stopped taking my pain killers today and am taking 8 Hr Tylenol and some minor muscle relaxers (Skelexton) I have for my TMJ.  That has helped alot.  I've been sleeping ok, its getting out of bed and off the couch that has been hard.  Its difficult to do things without using your abdomen muscles.

I've seen people say that they take Gas-X.  My Dr. Didn't mention it one way or another, but the hospital didn't seem, thrilled with the idea.  I'm curious if there is a problem with it in this stage?

Sick or Protein Shakes already!!! and the drinking and more drinking!

on 4/20/13 3:04 pm
RNY on 04/17/13

I am 3 days out as well and honestly feel just terrible. I didnt expect this much pain. I had a hysterectomy last year and By day 3 was back to my normal life with my 6 kids. just a little sleepier. Well not now. I hurt a lot. I cant walk straight. I think I drink wrong cuz I sip but yet I still get a gassy feeling like I need to burp but I can not. I have no desire to eat. I am drinking and tryimg to drink protein as well. And im walking walking walking. I am very depressed and not feeling well. Wishing my stomach would stop hurting. What did you guys us for stool softner?:? no bm so I bought mirilax?

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