So its... 9 days post-op :(

Katie Rouleau
on 4/26/13 12:18 pm - Lake Bluff, IL

Ugh I feel worse than i did at the hospital:( The pain on my left side has been so sharp today! It sucks completely. Not only that i moved onto pureed foods today.. Tried some greek yogurt and smashed bananas and i either over ate or my pouch didnt like it cause i had a horrible pressure feeling on my belly and i got all nauseated! How do you know either way? Right now im eating some refried beans from taco bell and they seem to be going down okay.i constantly want to chug some water but i feel like that might hurt my pouch?  On the bright side ive lost 10lbs since my surgery so thats brightened up the day a bit! How long does it take to feel normal again?!?! lol okay done rranting ahh

on 4/26/13 12:32 pm
RNY on 04/02/13 with

It varies for everyone.  I seem to have had more pain than most, and was able to stop my daytime pain meds after day 12.  It helped me to focus on each day getting that much easier/better, and worrying less about the total time it had been.  There are all kinds of normal to go back to - my personal favorite (possibly tmi) was being able to pull my underwear off and on so that I could go to the bathroom without help!  Today I was able to go to a (really cool) crafts show and walk around without pain.  My fitbit says I walked 3000+ steps today, which is a new high since surgery.  I focused first on getting basic activities of daily living back, and then on fun extras like being able to successfully walk the (VERY long) hallway from my apartment to outside.  Right now I'm focusing on being able to do "normal" daily walking (like, purposeful stuff, vs. just walking for walking's sake or treadmilling it).  The latter will come with a bit of time - I'm almost, but not quite there yet.  I'm going to try waiting till week 4 starts before getting on the treadmill, especially given that I seem to be mending a bit more slowly than others.  It gets better.  Even if better is relative to how you felt the day before.  Hang in there.


on 4/27/13 3:59 am - Panama City , FL
RNY on 04/18/13

My pain is in my left side too.... I go and put a pillow under my belly and prop my butt in the air and the air goes to the top.. I know TMI but believe me it helps.... I am having to do at least 5 times a day... I wasn't hurting when I woke up but as soon as I have something to eat or drink it is there... So severe I almost double over..

Try it, it might help ya.


Andrea... I am also 9 days post op


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