Approaching six months

on 4/29/13 1:19 am - Vancouver, WA
RNY on 11/07/12

When I began this journey, I told myself my goal was to lose 100 pounds by my six month appointment.  Well that day is only 17 days away and I am starting to freak out.  I am close but not quite there yet.  I really need to focus on making healthy choices and getting in my daily requirements.  I will actually need to lose more than 100 pounds because since my surgery I have moved to another part of the country and will be flying in for my appointment.  We all know flying makes you retain water! :(

However, on a positive side, I won't have to worry about the normal monthly bloating causing the scale to sway the wrong direction!  I never thought I would be excited to get my period!  LOL!  Thank goodness it came now, instead of when I will be back in Texas!

I have been working so much lately that I haven't had time to get to the gym.  I am tired of making excuses.  I will make it my goal to at least go on a walk each day!  Some activity is better than no activity, right?


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