Are you losing without consistant exercise????

on 5/2/13 9:04 pm
RNY on 09/05/12

Just wondering if there are any of you that are at least 8-9 months out from surgery, who are still losing, without exercising regularly?  I work basically 12 hr shifts and when I get home, I am useless!  I am only going to the gym and working out 2 days a week, Sat and Sun.  I will be 8 months post op next week, and I am down 86 lbs since surgery with a little of that before the surgery. I just hit the "100's" last week and I haven't had a weight that started with a "1" in about 30 yrs, so that was a huge milestone....  Just wondering how some of you are doing it successfully without being able to exercise daily?  Thanks and have a great weekend !


HW 304   SW 258  CW 199  GW  160?

on 5/2/13 9:17 pm - OH

Well, I'm not losing anymore but I did not exercise regularly when I was losing.  If you burn fewer calories, then you may need to eat fewer calories, that's all.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


WhoIWantToBe *.
on 5/2/13 9:23 pm
RNY on 01/10/12

I don't exercise, and I lost until I hit goal (about 11 months after surgery.)

  - Barb, who is at GOOOOOOAAAAAAL!
                                     HW: 274  SW: 244  GW: 137 CW: 137!
              Keep on swimming!  Keep on swimming! 

MyLady Heidi
on 5/2/13 9:29 pm

I don't exercise, never have, at goal for 8 yrs, I walk when I can, walk my dogs etc.  I stay at goal by keeping my calories in check.  Exercise is good for you so I am not recommending you not do it, just saying I don't.

on 5/2/13 10:26 pm

I am pretty active, running around after kids and whatnot, but I actually find that when I exercise I lose less weight.  i know that is really strange but it is true.  I am only 7 months out so maybe that will change but I am losing steadily.  I just try to move as much as I can. 

on 5/2/13 10:34 pm

I've never done much as official exercise (joined Curves right out of surgery for 6 months) but I am active and constantly on the move.  IF I were doing it again I'd force myself to find some type of exercise I could be consistent with.  It didn't interfere with my weight loss but I did lose LOTS of muscle.

Some can be successful without a routine exercise program, others have to diligently exercise.  My suggestion is do your best with the time you have.  Congrats on entering Onderland!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/2/13 10:55 pm, edited 5/2/13 10:55 pm - OH

Because my knees were already so bad when I had surgery, I did not do much exercise while losing (and still don't).  I was limited to walking (but never briskly), ligh****er aerobics, and using a recumbent bike (but with only a resistance level of 3-4).  I did do some weight training and floor exercises to build muscle tone, but nothing aerobic that would burn any calories.  I still lost 190 pounds and now have a body fat % of 24-25).  It took me 20 months to do it, but I still did it.

You just have to be more diligent about limiting calories (by making good choices) because you aren't burning any extra through extra physical activity.



14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Citizen Kim
on 5/2/13 11:43 pm - Castle Rock, CO

An exercise regimen isn't so much about losing weight - more about adopting a whole lifestyle change ... 

Be prepared to have to cut calories in maintenance or you WILL regain - you will not believe how easy this journey of losing weight is compared to keeping it off ...  Personally, I like eating far too much to adopt a low calorie eating plan.

There are lots of people on here who work, go to school, have young children etc and still find time to exercise - time is really just an excuse, but it's your decision whether to wholeheartedly embrace good health or not and if you are looking for people to tell you it's ok - they will!

I exercise out of habit and a desire, at 50, to keep my body healthy, and looking as good as it can - for me, it's a great motivator LOL!!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Kim S.
on 5/3/13 1:12 am - Helena, AL

I agree with Kim.  You CAN lose and maintain without exercise...but the farther out you are, you'll have to be very diligent about the calories you take in.  A regular exercise routine is essential for overall good health and wellness. Also, I've never seen a regain post from a regular exerciser.

I'm an eater......and I happen to love to exercise now that I found things I love to do, so for me, it is as essential as air and water.  The time issue is just an excuse.  If you are important enough in your list of priorities for WLS, then you are important enough to dedicate the time needed, for the rest of your life, to be the best you that you can be.

There are recent studies that support that regular ACTIVITY is just as essential as regular exercise.  Park in the back of the lot, take the stairs, get up and move every 30 minutes, even if it is doing laps around the house.

MyLady Heidi
on 5/3/13 1:25 am

You what I find amusing, my boyfriend likes Krispy Kreme donuts and the only place to get them is at the large local casino, so I park on the top floor and walk up and down the stairs, because I can, because buying donuts seems so risque to me.  I don't buy any that I like, unless I am pouting like I was a few weeks ago, which means I won't eat them.  So the exercise was to just prove I can do it.  I like that.  Even though I would never do any formal exercise I like to know I can move when I want too.  I owned a condo when my son was small and we had to evacuate because of a fire and I honestly couldn't run up and down the stairs to get my cat out who was clinging to the bottom of the bed.  I knew at the very minute I never wanted to be a prisoner in my fat body again.  Seeing MO scares me, I go to Wal-Mart and all I have to see is someone riding in a cart that is MO and I won't buy a morsel of snack food.  I always feared immobility. 

My one suggestion is for people who start really exercising to lose weight, know that if you stop and don't cut back your calories you will easily regain.  My bf is the prime example of how that works.  He will go nuts exercising like crazy and lose 30lbs only to get pissed off and stop and then regain it all back because he refuses to change his eating.  He used to be a long distance runner and lost 70lbs doing it, he got down to 150lbs, but ruined his knees, so he is limited in what he can do.  Exercise done improperly can cause real damage to your body, running is the best example of this, I know a few long distance runners who are now awaiting surgery to repair or replace knees.  This is not why I don't exercise, although it is why I would never run.

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