Surgery a year ago today!

VSG on 06/12/13

Congratulations, Jane! Are you still actively losing, or has that stopped for you?


Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 5/7/13 11:10 pm
RNY on 05/07/12

Thank you!  No, I am still losing, but we know after the first 5th and 6th when major weight loss occurs one will slow down around nine months then even more at a year.  I have to have my hips replaced down the road so I could not exercise my lower body at all and being on a walker I had to do upper weights, so for me exercise was not much of an option.  Summertime I swim so that helps alot because of no impact.  I am pleased and would like to lose maybe 20 or 30 pounds so that may take the rest of the year but heck, I'm good with that.  My surgeon does not give us a goal and he said I am right where I should be.  Thanks again for the well wishes!  Jane kiss

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