Protein Bars

Misty Morgan
on 5/13/13 3:16 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
If you like protein bars please share which ones are good.

I have always liked quick food like that for on the go or to keep in my cooler when I go out. I have heard of the quest bars but they are pretty pricey for just one bar.

Thanks in advance!
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/13/13 3:24 am, edited 5/13/13 3:24 am - OH

The only ones that I have found even tolerable are the Quest bars.  Even those, though, have the grainy, heavy texture that I dislike and is common in protein bars. I cold not tolerate even half f one when I was early out because they sit so "heavy" in the pouch.

Although I can understand the appeal of something quick, have you looked at the ingredients in protein bars?  They all have TONS of chemicals in them.  Personally, as part of my "cleaned up" eating habits, I have chosen to limit the amount of processed food that I eat.  People often criticize the frozen Lean Cuisine type dinners because of the chemicals and preservatives in them but don't think twice about consuming the same chemical in protein bars.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Misty Morgan
on 5/13/13 3:28 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
I haven't looked too much at anything honestly. I was mostly just wanting something to keep on hand just incase I needed a snack or meal and wasn't home and for whatever reason had not planned ahead. I definitely don't plan to eat the bars daily or weekly because I would much rather have real food.

Thanks Lora! Will definitely be looking into the ingredients!
on 5/13/13 3:25 am
I've not had surgery yet (June 17th is my date) but I like Atkins Chocolate chip meal bars and they have brownies that I like too. I haven't really found an Atkins bar that I don't like so far.


Misty Morgan
on 5/13/13 3:29 am - Goshen , OH
RNY on 04/24/13
I will check them out thanks!

Good luck too! Your day will be here quicker than you think! The last 7 weeks for me flew by!
on 5/13/13 6:27 am, edited 5/13/13 6:27 am
RNY on 05/07/12

To be honest, I have only had a few bites of one and I am a year out.  I agree with Lora, they have too many chemicals and they sit too heavy for me.  If you are on the go, keep a little cooler in the car with yogurt or cheese sticks, something that is really better for you.  Jane 

on 5/13/13 3:33 am
Thanks I sure hope it flies by


on 5/13/13 3:39 am
RNY on 05/20/13

I am still pre-op, but I really like the Atkins Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll bars or Think Thin Peanut Butter Bars. 

on 5/13/13 3:40 am
I love Power Crunch Bars. Especially the peanut butter. I get them @ Walmart for 1.28 a bar. They have 13 grams of protein (which isn't a ton) but they are great for me because with a 6 year old and two 4 year olds I am always on the run.
**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

on 5/13/13 3:40 am
RNY on 11/13/12 with

I am 6 months out from surgery and have just started occasionally eating half of a Quest bar as a snack. I don't think I could handle a whole one at one time. Most of the bars that I've looked at are high in sugar and/or fat. Many bars that are low in sugar and low in fat are gross (just my opinion). I have found the Quest Chocolate Chip cookie dough bars are very tasty. The drawback is that they are artificially sweetened. But I justify it in that I don't eat them every day and they have way less chemicals than all the diet soda I used to drink.

Before my surgery, I used to eat Think Thin protein bars. But my dietician advised me to stay away from those because they have a lot of sugar alcohols, which some post-ops are sensitive to.

Whatever you decide to try, be sure to read the label first. As early out as you are, you'll want to make sure you're not taking in a bunch of hidden sugars and carbs. Good luck.

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