It happened to me too!

on 5/20/13 3:44 am - Mt
RNY on 12/21/12

I had RNY 5 months tomorrow and I have had things go pretty well.  I am a slow looser which is ok, some days I wi**** was faster and then I read the posts about not putting in on overnight so why should you lose it overnight!  I have always been able to keep my mind where it needs to be and not let the scale rule things for me.  UNTIL THIS MORNING!!!  I was up 5 pounds and I know it is not "fat" because I have not gone off plan and I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago so it isn't that.  It has to be stress because we lost a miniature foal this weekend and that has upset my whole family’s apple cart.  So hopefully this week while I am traveling and not around a scale it will disappear and all will be good when I get home on Friday. 

Case and point--I guess I am normal and things happen to everyone so I will keep plugging away and enjoy my journey!!laugh


on 5/20/13 4:08 am
RNY on 12/18/12

Ugh!  That is so frustrating!!  Last week I was actually up TEN POUNDS - crazy!!!  I was annoyed, but I knew it had to be water retention (a lot of it) because I know how many extra calories it takes to gain one pound and I am barely eating enough calories as it is.  The weight came off - plus a pound in a few days. . . so will yours.  Sorry about your loss.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/20/13 4:22 am - OH

Even after a hysterectomy that included oophorectomy (ovary removal), your body can still retain water for a variety of reasons; it isn't just hormones that cause water retention.  It can be even a small increase in sodium intake, heat related (your body tends to hold more water when it is warm because is knows it will need to sweat some of it out), and even being a little dehydrated can cause your body to swing the other way once you take in fluids.

I am sure it will be gone by Friday.



14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 5/20/13 4:41 am
My rule wherever salt goes water follows.
on 5/20/13 7:14 am
RNY on 05/13/13

Sorry about your scale shock and sorry about your foal. I love miniature horses and horses in general and that would have had this household just in tears for days! Hugs!

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