A surprise when I visited my childhood hometown

on 5/20/13 4:12 am - Florence, KY
RNY on 03/06/13

My wife and I took my mother to our old hometown this past weekend for memorial of deceased members at the church my mother and father attended when we lived there. It was nice catching up with so many family members and old friends, it almost seemed as though we had never left they made us feel so welcomed. It wasn't til the last day of our visit near the end of church services when I saw an old friend who I hadn't seen in a couple of years.

This gentleman had RNY surgery several years ago and the last time I had seen him it had been a huge success. I was quite surprised to find he had regained all of his weight plus some. I was unable to speak with this gentleman therefore I wasn't able to obtain any "details" of what had happened nor would I have brought it up had I the chance to speak with him. It was none of my business. He would have sought my shoulder/advice if he had wanted it, he has always known it was there if needed.

The thing is, this discovery really bothered me. Of course I always knew that a significant weight regain was possible but this just made it a definite reality in my mind. It both horrified me and rededicated me on my path. I am still extremely new to this journey and relatively compliant to the plan but this has given me a new zest for my new life and it's new found energy.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to get this out.



on 5/20/13 4:22 am

It's unfortunate that it happens but it does way more than some people want to admit or understand.  I've seen several people I know in real life gain a significant amount of weight. 

Very wise to stay on top of it and be aware.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 5/20/13 4:22 am

Well unfortunate for him... Thanks for sharing Randy.. I and i'm sure other members would like to hear it as well.. It IS possible to gain all plus.. Things like this make me want to try harder


Highest Weight: 468 Pounds, Pre Op Diet Weight: 436 Pounds, Surgery Weight: 423 Pounds

Surgery Date 5-13-13 with Dr Roy Cobean Portland Maine.. Casco Bay Surgeries!!!  Wonderful place!!

on 5/20/13 5:56 am
RNY on 05/13/13

That is sad. Maybe he really wasn't ready to make the changes necessary to have a lifestyle change and saw it as a quick fix, which it is not. Regardless, I am glad that it has further empowered you to walk the straight and narrow! :)

on 5/20/13 6:52 am

Regain is a huge worry for me.  I don't want to be THAT person, ya know?  I'm thankful that you posted this because, you're right, it makes you rededicate yourself after seeing/hearing something like this. 

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