im torn: RNY or Sleeve

on 5/28/13 5:48 am - Morristown, TN
I finally have my first appt with my surgeon june 10th. I have been dead set on the sleeve and now im just not so sure. Any advice would be appreciated. thanksss
T. Deeds
on 5/28/13 6:21 am

I'm not too familiar with the sleeve.  Does it cause dumping syndrome? I had the RNY 2 years ago and for me, dumping is one of the benefits of the RNY over other procedures.  If it weren't for dumping, I am certain I would be able to sit down and eat an entire pint of Hagen Daaz or Ben and Jerry's.  Dumping reinforces the portion control in a way that is separate from the physical restriction.


Heather F.
on 5/28/13 6:22 am - VA
I was just like you - dead set on the sleeve, (but still kinda flip-floppy), but when I spoke with the surgeon last week (it was my first appointment as weel, so we're starting out on this journey at the same time), we decided that the RNY would be better for me because of my GERD (acid reflux) - the sleeve wouldn't alleviate any of that for me. Now that I'm not so back and forth about it, I feel really good about the decision and I'm looking forward to the upcoming months. I think once you speak with your surgeon, he can answer any of your questions for you and you can make a well informed decision from that point on

"Failure taught me that failure isn't the end unless you give up" -Jim Carrey

on 5/28/13 10:38 am
RNY on 06/11/13

Nearly exactly ditto this. :)

"The first thing I've got to do," said Alice to herself, as she wandered about in the wood, "is to grow to my right size again..." -- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Blog:   Twitter: @therightsize  HW: 365  SW: 346 CW: 254


on 5/28/13 6:33 am, edited 5/28/13 6:34 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Here in Ontario, I think that's decided on by your surgeon. There are a number of sleeve folks here, perhaps they can share with you why they had a VSG.

Good luck 


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 5/28/13 6:46 am - IL
RNY on 07/16/13

My surgeon originally wanted to do the sleeve due to my 54 BMI but because of my GERD (20 years!!!!!), I'm having the RNY done.  He said I would lose more weight with the sleeve, but I think I can still lose alot of weight with the RNY just by following the rules.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/28/13 6:48 am - OH

Personally, although I have been successful with my RNY, if I were doing it now (sleeve was not an option 6 years ago), I would have the sleeve instead of the RNY.  Two reasons:

1) Although you will lose weight a bit faster with the RNY, the two-year statistics are very similar for the two surgeries and the 5-year statistics are almost identical as far as percentage of weight lost/maintained

2) The caloric malabsorption of RNY is only temporary (the body starts adapting as soon as you ahve surgery and it is pretty much gone by about 18 months out... and many surgeons just fail to mention that little item!), so after that point in time, you just have the smaller pouch and your good eating habits to keep the weight off (which is exactly what you would have with the sleeve) BUT the lack of vitamin absorption with RNY is permanent, so you also have a lifetime of vitamin supplements (and we aren't just talking about two multivitamins a day... there are also three doses of calcium daily plus Vit D, B12, often additional B vitamins, Vit A, Zinc, etc.) and periodic blood work to be sure you don;t develop vitamin deficiencies and health issue because of them.  There is no lack of vitamin absorption with the sleeve.  For me, losing just a bit faster isn;t worth a lifetime of vitamin supplements and potential problems.

It is true that there are no long term studies on the sleeve itself separate from the DS, but in terms of safety, the DS (and therefore the sleeve) has been around quite a while.

As far as dumping (as a deterrent to eating sweets)... well, only about 30% of RNYers dump (something surgeons also sometimes neglect to mention), so chances are you WON'T dump on too much sugar.  So unless you just assume that you dump and never eat too much sugar to find out that you don't, it likely won't help keep you on the "straight and narrow" in terms of food choices.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 5/28/13 7:47 am

Hi -

Back in October when I started this journey I went to my surgeon looking for the lap band. He asked me why I wanted the band I told him my reasons, he gave me info on all 3 procedures & told me to go home do some research on the net but not to stress over it since we had time before I had to make the decision. Besides being 100+ lbs over weight I was knocking at the door of diabetes (diabetes is a big problem in my mom's family & mom lost both legs due to it). After much research & taking his information into consideration I opted for the RNY. My 2 deciding factors were the long history of the RNY & how it is essentially reversing diabetes in diabetics. 

I had my procedure on 3/4 & I am now 50 pounds lighter. I am 5 pounds away from what I weighed when I was married 17 years ago. I am still learning how to eat & what works & doesn't work for me & yes I dump BUT I am thrilled that I had this procedure done I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to have weight loss surgery



on 5/28/13 8:51 am - Morristown, TN
I appreciate everyones response!! I love ready about everyones journeys!!. The main reason i was wanting the sleeve is due to the fact that the intestines are not rerouted and there is no malabsorption. It kind of terrifies me to think that if (and maybe im over thinking this) one day there happens to be a shortage of vitamins or something, that i would not be able to survive just off of food. maybe im crazy but i tend to think of stuff like that. I guess i just like to be prepared. . However, at the same time, i would like to lose about 140-150 lbs
on 5/28/13 8:56 am - Morristown, TN

I feel that maybe long term RNY would be a better option. I still have time to decide. I just think about this day and night and am becoming a little obsessed.
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