Out of Control and needing Help

on 6/7/13 1:16 am


I come to this website very humbly....I have gained so much weight that and have become so depressed and unhappy, as I am sure most of you would be able to relate to if it happened to you.

I have also resorted to buying SENSA which has only made me want to eat more.  I don't know what is wrong with me, but summer is here and AGAIN I have no clothes in my closet that fit.

Anyone care to help me out.


(I have not updated my weight chart..can't bear it)


on 6/7/13 1:37 am - Crandall, TX
RNY on 09/18/12


I am sure people will tell you just get back to basics- no refined sugars, carbs, protein first, veggies, don't drink with meals, drink LOTS of water, etc.

You can do this!


Trash the SENSA. I know PLENTY of people who used this without any difference made. Just my opinion. Use your tool.


on 6/7/13 2:28 am
I can relate. I have gained 10 pounds from my lowest weight, which wasn't even at goal.
I made an appt with my surgeon to alk about options. He commended me for coming back in. He didn't scold me at all. He said being a couple of years out is when the ork becomes the hardest. I had reverted back to adding processed food and sweets into my diet.
His suggestions?? Yep, back to basics. High protein, exercise, water, vitamins. Also, they are running extensive labs on me to be sure my levels are ok. He also wants me to see a therapist to determine why I eat things I shouldn't and self sabotage. I need to document my food journal ( write it, not my fitness pal) and see the nut again. About 6 weeks from now, I see the surgeon again and start group therapy that my surgeon runs. It's not a support group. It's a group of people dealing with my exact problems.
Don't give up!!!
on 6/7/13 11:49 am

Wow that is awesome that you have that kind of support.  There is none where I live.  When I did see a therapist she just didn't understand about wls. 

I am having lots of knee pain so exercise is really killing me.  Keep in touch.  I am interested in your lab work also.


on 6/7/13 4:00 am - NC

I don't have any great words of wisdom.  I am in the presurgery phase of this process.  What I do know is that this is a journey.  If I had five cents for every pounds I have lost, gained, lost, and gained again I would be a rich woman.  Please come back often and join in the discussion.  I applaud your courage in continuing the fight.  All is not lost.  You have the tools, have done it before, and can get back in the saddle again.  Good luck on your journey. 

on 6/7/13 4:22 am - CA
RNY on 06/11/12

I agree Go back to the basics. Measure your food. Eat protein and no white carbs or sugar!!! Drink your water. No snacking and don't bring foods home that you can not control yourself with.

You can do this!!! 



on 6/7/13 5:24 am
RNY on 05/13/13
On June 7, 2013 at 11:22 AM Pacific Time, SoCaPinkLady wrote:

I agree Go back to the basics. Measure your food. Eat protein and no white carbs or sugar!!! Drink your water. No snacking and don't bring foods home that you can not control yourself with.

You can do this!!! 

Yes to all of this!!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 6/7/13 11:38 am
Have always chosen to feel insulted by having to weigh and measure my food, and that's just foolish. The truth is that if I stop measuring and logging my food, I start gaining weight. If I stick with the program, I lose weight.

This is so simple (note, not easy, but simple) that you'd think I'd get it through my thick skull.

Angie in Missouri
on 6/7/13 11:52 am

thanks...I must say that the carbs and sugar have been so easy to eat.  Very discouraging.  I have never dumped.


on 6/7/13 6:33 am - Sacramento, CA
And, aside from going back to basics (or to add to it) start exercising. Even if its just 15 minutes, get moving.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



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