I am in Onederland!!!

on 6/15/13 11:08 pm

I started this journey at 281,5 and this morning I weigh 198.5. Yippee!!! I haven't seen the 100's  since the early 90's.

I cannot say enough great things about bypass surgery. It has truly changed my life, both physically and emotionally. I am so much happier. I am much more assertive. I am letting my true self, which was buried under decades of suppressing my emotions, finally emerge. It feels wonderful.

Just one example ... I have always been a very sensitive person. As a kid, my parents dismissed me with "you're too sensitive." I've had therapists who've said the same thing. Even my kids accuse me of being too sensitive. A few weeks ago, I had an epiphany. I realized that I am a sensitive person, but that is a good thing and I should not be ashamed of how I am. The world needs more kindness and I'm okay with hating violent movies or not wanting details about people being hurt. Now I just say, "Yes I am very sensitive" and it's okay.

Last week I went shopping at Dress Barn. Size 14's fit easily (down from Lane Bryant 24's). It is so nice to shop in a regular store and feel great about what I'm wearing.

I am setting many more limits in my house. My husband and kids are very messy. I used to feel; "How can I ask them to clean up when I can't get over my weight problem?" Now I feel like we need to live in a clean environment. Dishes are done and put away every night. We are still messy, but we are making progress. I don't feel afraid to ask for change.

My osteopath was very much against the surgery. Now that he's seen my results, I have totally changed his viewpoint. as he sees my results.

The only thing that has not improved is my hip pain. I have bad bursitis for 10 years and thought weight loss would fix it. Nope. Sometimes damage is not reversable, but at least I'm not further compounding the problem with 80+ pounds of extra weight. I have been going to physical therapy to help adjust to my new body.

I'm so excited to be a part of this community. You are all so encouraging. I love being able to get answers to my questions. I have not yet taken any photos but will post those when I get courageous enough.

Have a great day!


on 6/15/13 11:21 pm

YEAH! Congrats! I can't wait til I can join you in Onderland! Keep up the good work!

on 6/16/13 12:46 am

Thank you.  I hope everyone can join me :)



Katie K.
on 6/15/13 11:24 pm - Maitland, FL
RNY on 06/25/13
on 6/16/13 1:21 am - TX
RNY on 08/08/13 with

I am so excited for you!!!!! So excited for your success, your finding of your own voice- these things are huge!

Reading your post made me think about it, I haven't been in the 100's since I got married i***** Wow. Crazy. I never thought of it like that before.

I can't wait til I am there. I meet my surgeon June 21st for the presurgery consult and I can't wait!!!! I already got my approval from insurance. I bought my supplements, protein powders and have rearranged my kitchen so it will be easy for me to take care of me.

I feel like someone standing next to a pool on a hot day and waiting to jump in.


Dancing my way to better health,



on 6/16/13 7:48 am

You have a great analogy about the pool. It really is a gift being able to have this surgery. I remember when I went to my first support group meeting -- most people said their major regret was not doing it sooner. That is certainly how I feel. My oldest son is 19 and has never known me under 250 pounds. I missed out on both of my kids' childhoods because I was too fat to participate actively in their lives. Good luck to you!


on 6/16/13 1:27 am
RNY on 04/02/13 with

Congratulations!!! :) :) :)


on 6/16/13 1:59 am
You are making some huge accomplishments! Congrads!
on 6/16/13 3:10 am - MA

I hit this milestone too this week it's really is an accomplishment congrats!


on 6/16/13 7:49 am

Congrats to you as well. This one is a biggie!


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