
on 8/14/13 9:01 am

I'm only 3 days post op, but I haven't had any fruits or veggies for weeks due to the Stage 2 diet I had to do pre-op.  Does anyone know if I'm allowed to juice? 



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/14/13 9:10 am - OH

Hard to say.  Surgeons are all so different in what they want their patients to follow post-op.  Some things to consider:

1) Texture: if it is strained, it should be ok as far as texture; most surgeons wouldn't have a problem with unstrained, but some do

2) Sugar content: a few people are sensitive to the sugar that naturally occurs in fruit (and you will dump faster and harder on sweetened liquids than on solids with too much sugar), so I am not sure that fruit juice -- unless it is significantly diluted (my surgeon had us dilute even NSA apple juice to half strength early out) -- is a good idea from this perspective

3) Calories: most surgeons don't want their patients drinking calories outside of protein shakes (and milk), and fruit can be high in calories, so you won't want to do it long term, but early out when you are getting very few calories it isn't as big a problem from that standpoint

4) Protein:  you need to really emphasize protein in everything you eat and drink right now, and other than just a couple of grams of protein from some veggies, juicing won't help with this



14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/14/13 9:23 am

Thank you, Lora.

I really just want to juice cucumbers which have hardly any calories.  I'll wait and talk with my RD.



on 8/14/13 10:55 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

I can't imagine any issue with green vegetables.  Just stay away from too much fruit.

on 8/14/13 10:00 am - New York, NY
RNY on 06/11/13

If you're just juicing things like kale, celery, carrot, cucumber, etc. it probably isn't a problem (not from a caloric or sugar standpoint). But if you add things like ginger, lemon, etc. as is sometimes commonly added those may or may not irritate your stomach. Also seeds of the cucumber need to be completely removed (on the off chance a few get in your drink) as those are usually not advised to be ingested just yet. Do run it by your nutritionist first though...Sometimes juicing can cause diarrhea (I have juiced in the past for dieting purposes) and it may especially after surgery.

  HW: 306         Day of Surgery: 299         Current Weight: 172



on 8/15/13 12:31 am

Beware of the carrots they have a high sugar content

on 8/15/13 2:33 am - New York, NY
RNY on 06/11/13
3G of natural sugars per 1/2 cup of fresh carrot.

  HW: 306         Day of Surgery: 299         Current Weight: 172



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