Can't Eat - worried about nutrition. Help!

on 8/15/13 7:10 pm - Carolina Beach, NC

Hi all - looking for advice, similar experiences, etc.  I am almost 8 weeks out, and allowed to eat "regular" food now. However, I am just not able to get much in at all. Not only does it not taste right (and I realize that weird metallic-taste thing is temporary, hopefully), but I am usually able to only eat 2-3 bites of something and have to stop because I feel it (know I'm full), and can almost start to feel nauseous.

Key info: I am taking my vitamins and getting in my liquids.  

Here's a typical scenario: 

Breakfast - protein shake (or Special K protein cereal w/skim milk). I will TRY to eat an egg, but most times can't get but about 1/2 of an egg down before the full & nauseous feeling.

Lunch/Dinner - will try to eat chicken or seafood. Maybe 2 bites. About 4 bites of salad or some sort of beans. (Trying to get the protein in.)  Fruit, I can tolerate. 

I've tried - and learned to avoid - pasta, rice, bread, etc. all the typical things my doctor & nut. said to avoid.

I'm concerned that I'm not getting in enough calories and protein. I WILL eat a protein bar between meals just to get that in, but it's not satisfying, and I'm getting sick of them. Fruit (mostly watermelon and bananas) seem to work okay - I can eat enough of them to get "full". But again, no protein there.

I have lost 48 lbs. in 8 weeks, if that info is important.

Any advice, suggestions? Thanks in advance!



on 8/15/13 8:57 pm - FL
RNY on 07/08/13

It was suggested to me to consume between 84-105 grams of protein a day.  If you are a female I'm sure it is less, but from what you say  it seems to me you are falling short of that requirement.  I am so sorry to hear you fell nauseous after a few bites.  For now, maybe you can drink additional protein shakes, or eat yogurt to increase protein intake.  Congratulations on your tremendous weight loss. When we lose weight, we lose fat and muscle.  If we do not consume our required protein, the body will break down muscle, and that is not a favorable thing to have happen.  Call your doctor and explain the situation and ask for his recommendation.  Good Luck !


on 8/15/13 11:56 pm - Carolina Beach, NC

Thanks for sharing! Yes, I'm female and 60 grams is what I've been told to eat, so I TRY to get that in. The Dr. wants me to be getting more of it from food than shakes/bars, but that's where I'm struggling. I do eat yogurt occasionally, though I'm NOT a fan! I'm just hoping that all of this "weirdness" about taste & quantity is temporary and I will someday eat again! Thanks again for your advice!


on 8/15/13 10:34 pm - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

I found that I was doing 2 protein shakes a day for the first 2 months. I did a GNC lean shake in the morning and then I added unflavored protein to SF Hot cocoa at night. Also the ceral with milk is a bad idea right now. That whole no drinking while eating thing.

Eggs can be hard for a lot of people. I personally can only do hard boiled eggs right now. Chicken is also hard. I didnt do any salad until about 3 months. Chili was my best friend for a few months, heck I still eat it a lot of the time.

Females should be getting about 90 grams of protein a day, but really anything over 75 is doing pretty good right now. How about yogurts? cottage cheese? ricotta cheese? refried beans? Here are few things that I learned are easy on my pouch.

Avocado with low fat cottage cheese, sprinkled sea salt & pepper!


Ground beef, cooked with garlic, Drained. Then I store it in the fridge and add it to things like ricotta cheese with spaghetti sauce.

Beef with refried beans and cheese

Turkey w/gravy..I personally do the weigh****chers meal the turkey with mashed potatoes just dont eat the potatoes.

Hamburgers cooked in a pan with onion soup mix, and mushrooms, 2 cups of beef broth. Let it simmer for about 10-15 mins.

Yogurt with protein powder added to it. I put 2 scoops in a bowl and just add it to things during the day. That way I am adding protein without it changing the taste to much.


 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 8/15/13 11:59 pm - Carolina Beach, NC

Thanks for sharing your story - and Yes, I had forgotten about the cereal/milk being a drinking/eating at the same time thing. I only do this about once a week, but will be more mindful.

I have tried the chili and ground beef w/different things, but it seems like every now and then when I try that it makes me nauseous, and then I'm afraid to try ground beef again -- I know it's probably all in my head but - my head speaks  loudly, I'm afraid LOL!

I haven't tried turkey yet, but will definitely give that a go. Don't care for cottage cheese or yogurt, but ricotta cheese I like. I was just hoping by this point to be able to eat ANYTHING I wanted (i.e. NOT in quantity, but in terms of food choice), but that ain't happenin!!

Of course the benefits of weight loss far outweigh a temporary appetite loss I know, so I'm trying not to complain. Thanks so much for your advice and suggestions!


on 8/16/13 12:03 am - IN
Revision on 10/03/13

Hoping you could Eat ANYTHING you want by now ??

WOW---was that in the information seminar you went to? Did your NUT/surgeon EVER promise THAT ??


Not beating you up but REALLY ???

SRVG 1997 SW 301   Revision to RNY 10/3/13 SW 247 GW 130  Ht 5'8


H.A.L.A B.
on 8/15/13 11:38 pm
I am 5 years out. I have days that I still can't or don't eat enough... I drink shakes to make sure I get enough proteins.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/16/13 12:00 am - Carolina Beach, NC

Well it's kind of comforting to know that even veterans still have days where it's hard -- not that I wish that on you, of course! 

Do you find things taste funny, or you just don't WANT to eat?


H.A.L.A B.
on 8/16/13 2:43 am, edited 8/16/13 5:39 am

I developed some food sensitivity post op RNY - so what I can eat is limited .. some day I just don't want to eat what I can eat, and what I want - I can't so I compromise and drink proteins.

In the past I had complications - hernia, twisted insides - and I would hurt after solid foods.   I had to eat sliders or drink protein shakes. My last surgery for hernia was June 3th.  And I dealt with pain for close to a year before I had the surgery.  My intestines got twisted.. . but all scans and tests showed "everything normal". 

Protein shakes are an easy way for me to get my proteins and other nutrition.  Not getting enough proteins long term - may make a person very tired, may cause edema, muscle breakdown, and so many other issues.   M=No matter what I know I need to provide my body with enough of essential proteins, fat , some carbs,  and vitamins and minerals.   Not getting that - will be very irresponsible and plain stupid for someone as far out as I am.   

i.e. today I had horrible headache so I did not feel like eating.. it is 3pm and all what I had was a piece of cheese and 1/2 avocado. Plus coffee... I want to go to yoga tonight - so any heavy meal is not an option until after 8 pm. 

So... I am going to drink a protein shake -  300 cal  with 50 gr of proteins and 5 gr of fat.  same before yoga - the rest after yoga then follow up with a light late meal. That way - I will make sure I get at least 80 gr of protein a day . My goal is 120-150 a day beacuse I work out and I can't eat too many carbs.  So tomorrow - I would need at least 2 shakes -  each 50 gr of proteins plus a 2-4 meals... and still need to be within 1200-1400 calories 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Mary Catherine
on 8/15/13 11:55 pm

Your pouch grows more every day.  In a few months, eating what you are trying to eat now will be no problem.  In a year, a sandwich from Subway will probably be no problem.  Your pouch is like a newborn baby.  Let it grow and let your body continue to burn stored fat for nutrition.

You will never again have the feeling that you do now.  Much too soon you will be able to eat more food and your weight loss will slow down dramatically.  This is just part of the surgery honeymoon.  How I miss those first few months when two bites of food filled me up for hours.


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