OPEN Roux en Y

on 8/16/13 10:07 am - Lawton, OK

HI all I have my surgery date now sept 3rd. what was it like having the open I have a 10 month old and a 5 yr old I know I will be laid up for 3 or so weeks. but How is it after the 1st month what was your limitations pains issues ??? I welcome horror stories so that maybe I can learn from them so any and everything you can share about getting the open roux en y I would appreciate very much. Thanks guys and gals

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/16/13 10:58 am, edited 8/16/13 10:58 am - OH

I had quite a bit of pain with my open RNY (but I had an 8-in*****ision, as opposed to the way some surgeons now do a "mini" open where it is only 3 or 4 inches) for about 3 weeks.  After 4 weeks, it still hurt to lie flat in bed, and it still hurt a little when getting up and down out of bed or a chair, but didn't have any trouble getting around or doing daily activities.  You will still probably be restricted on lifting anything over 10 or 15 pounds until six weeks out, though, so lifting the young one will still be a problem.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/16/13 11:20 am - Lawton, OK

Thanks so much my husband is in the army and he is going to be taking 4 weeks leave and my mother will be coming to help him take care of me and the kids so I may just have to have my mom stay a bit longer than his leave is huh. Not a big deal I know she wont mind Thanks so much  for the insight I hope to hear more from others. Also how was healing and how do you clean it or how did you clean it and things like that I know they will tell me just wanted some one who has had it :0)

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/16/13 1:03 pm - OH

It didn't require any special cleaning.  My surgeon used surgical glue to close it, so the incision was completely covered by the glue, and I was allowed to shower on Day Four. The surgeon suggested using an anti-bacterial soap (but said it wasn't necessary... Just an extra way to guard against an infection) and I already had a small pump of liquid Dial for the bathroom, so I used that on it for a couple of weeks. I did continue to put the abdominal pad (a large sort of gauze and cotton bandage) back over it for about two weeks just to help protect it from accidental bumps. At about 4 or 5 weeks out, two small sections of the incision opened up (by then the glue was worn off of most of it) and was oozing this disgusting looking stuff (that had no odor, but that we checked twice to be sure it was not infected... My surgeon cultured it "just in case" (but said "that sometimes happens") and a week or so later my PCP saw it and he insisted on sending it out again himself because he was so alarmed at the appearance of the ooze -- but it was NOT infected.)  I have heard and read that it is liquified fat, but I am not sure I believe that. I just know that it was oozing enough that I had to wear the abdominal pads until I was nine weeks out, and then had to put a regular gauze pad over it twice a day for another week while the oozing completely subsided.  The incision didn't really hurt while it was oozing, though. It was just a little tender.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/16/13 11:49 am

excuse my lack of knowledge, but I wasn't even aware they did it open anymore. Good luck to you! You must be so excited!!

on 8/16/13 12:48 pm - Lawton, OK

my doc does both however he has a technique that he perfected and has being doing gastric for over 25 years and he prefers to do open so he can get a look at everything get in there fast he does open and it only takes him 45 mins. and this is off his page.



While the national mortality rate is 1 in 300, Dr. Warnock and Bariatrics of Texas have a mortality rate less than 1 in 1000. Additionally, most of Dr. Warnock’s patients go home in 2 days. We offer a multi-disciplinary program with detailed patient education and long-term patient support. Dr. Warnock makes himself as available to his patients as possible, providing both his home and cell phone numbers in case of an emergency.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/16/13 1:09 pm - OH

Yeah, some doctors actually still prefer to do it that way,a me some surgeons do it that way only for certain patients.  It is faster than lap, so that means less time under anesthesia which is a consideration for some patients with certain medical conditions, some people have scar tissue from previous abdominal surgeries that make lap surgery difficult, if not impossible, and some patients carry so much of their excess weight in their belly that the normal lap instruments are not long enough to use comfortably (and some hospitals don't have the special longer scopes) or the doctor may be worried that the extra weight in the belly will make it hard for them to keep the liver pulled up out of the way (and accidentally nicking or otherwise damaging the liver can be a serious complication).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/17/13 5:35 am - Lawton, OK

ok great info! dial soap and prepair for possilble ooz! lol I would be freaking out so at least I have a heads up if it does happen! thanks so much for all the tips I really appreciate it !

illinois Gama D.
on 8/16/13 12:00 pm

Great for you, you have a date, So happy for you!! I had open, little longer recovery but I was doing well with in a two week time frame, I know some dr still want the open to "get the hood open and have a look", there was also no "next day leak test" for me with the open, I actually preferred it, very slim scar, no complications!! Good luck to you, keep us posted:) Denise

Rny 2003

come join the new R&R 3.0, where the fun is:)












on 8/16/13 5:19 pm, edited 8/16/13 5:20 pm
RNY on 02/24/12

I had an open with Dr Warnock.  He had to remove a failed lap band.  He also removed my gallbladder and some cysts for biopsy.  My post op recovery was much easier than I expected.  Make sure to reserve a room at the place by the hospital if you travel out of town and remember to ask for a room with a recliner.  The recliners were put there for us but not all rooms have them.  I slept in the recliner the two nights there before being sent home.  I continued to sleep in a recliner the first few nights home as it was easier to get out of when I needed to get up during the night.  You'll be given a binder to wear and that does help some.  Also,  I was given a pain patch for I believe 18 days post op and honestly had no pain.  Not even the arthritis pain in my knees.  It was great.  I also asked for nausea med for fear of getting ill on the  3 hr ride home.  I hope to meet you at Dr. Warnock's annual Valentine Dinner Dance.  It was great fun this year.   Sept 3 is just around the corner - see you soon on the loser's bench.   I have labs due so will be going to see him soon.  I like that he prefers to keep seeing us after surgery for such. 

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

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