Nausea and dry-heaving

on 8/29/13 1:04 pm - PA

I am 10 weeks out. For about the last 2 weeks I have been having massive nausea, for the last week I have been dry-heaving everything that I put in my mouth...including water and I haven't eaten in a week. I have been to the emergency room and they found that my potassium was a little low and that I was dehydrated, that was Tuesday. I have since still have the same symptoms with increased tiredness and lethargy. I went to the doctor today and she told me to take Zofran every 6 hours on a constant and to continue to try and eat and drink.

Has anyone experienced this? How long does this last?



Kat Kat
on 8/29/13 1:33 pm - AZ

All your symptoms are consistent with dehydration. Keep sipping and if it doesn't get  better very soon, call your surgeon.

on 12/18/13 11:38 pm

can you give me and update on this? i am going through the same thing and it is miserable. The only thing that makes me feel decent is if i eat a handful of crackers every hour or so... its miserable! i too was in the hospital and was told it was dehydration which is crazy because i ALWAYS have water with me. 

on 12/19/13 6:16 am - PA

Well to make a long story short, I almost died. I couldn't eat or drink anything, I did not eat for almost 3 weeks. I ended up going to the hospital and was treated for dehydration, low potassium, and low magnesium. I was released and about a week later I was admitted again, this time I was dehydrated, low potassium, low magnesium and had double vision. I was released a few days later but still had the double vision. I went to see my Opthamologist and he immediately sent me to another hospital due to damaged optic nerves. While there they treated me for dehydration, low potassium, low magnesium, and low thiamine (B1) and it was determined that I had seriously damaged my optic nerves. I had severe double vision and could not see. They figured that it was due to the B1 deficiency and I was treated and discharged to a nursing home 7 days later. I had to have physical therapy, occupational therapy, and I could not drive. This all started in late July and I am still off work. I am released to go back to work but my job is asking for further documentation that I am safe to drive.

If you are still having the symptoms please seek medical attention. Make sure they check ALL of your B vitamin levels. Best of luck to you!



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