OT: vent

shawna W.
on 9/12/13 12:02 am
RNY on 07/26/13

so i work for a company where i call businesses and get a couple peices of information/verify their information. anyway i call this one company and i start asking my first question (only 5 questions i ask) and he starts being odd. he said my voice was cute and i sound cute. i said thanks and moved onto my next question, he said thats right babe (insert him trying to be sexy voice) where you at. i just moved to the third question and then he said you read my name (meaning the company name is his name too) anyway he said let me teach you how to pronounce it, (again him trying to be sexy) and starting saying come on baby say my name. i did to correct my original mispronouncing and i apologized for mispronouncing it the first time. and asked me how long i worked there i said two weeks(with hesitation) and he said like a spring chicken just how i like'em and he said was going on saying whats your name baby, so i said the companys name i work for again and moved to my 4th question and he said it. but then kept insiting whats my name. i moved onto the 5th question and he told me. now i am done, in orientation they told me i cant hang up the phone, so i said thank you for the infor....and then he keeps persiting i tell him my name...so i lie and say angie. he said i could tell its not you had hesitence baby its not fair you know my name but i cant know yours, whats your name, how old are you, you sound sexy. and i said sir i have to get off the phone now...but he kept insiting and saying a bunch more sexual things. before this i had my red flag up for a manager to come over (2 minutes ago) and he finally did i took off my head set and handed it to him. i said this guy is harrassing me can i hang up. he said yes. thank god! he asked me what happened i procced to tell him and he was sympathetic saying lets see if we can block him from being called again (we do triple checks) and we couldnt but they were nice about it but they said if calls get out of hand i can hang up now so thats good. its just bugging me because now i feel dirty and gross even though i didnt nothing wrong. i feel a bit violated and very shocked someone would ever take it there to begin with and to take it to an extreme like that, seriously! just its bugging me and now im a bit terrified to get another call like that. i can handle being cursed out or being called babe or hun once, but this was gross. as a cashier at fast food and a couple other places i have heard and been cussed out and had many things done to me, but this experience was the worst!  a call that usually takes 30-40 SECONDS took 7 MINUTES!.........

sorry for the long vent just needed to get that off my chest. thank you.



HW: 358 SW: 316   

The Salty Hag
on 9/12/13 2:11 am
RNY on 05/20/13
Ugh, what a scuzzbucket!! Some people just have no shame. I had a similar situation happen when I was a CSR for Moneygram ( long time ago! ) but, I found it hilarious. I think probably because I was thinking "Buddy, if you knew I was a fat chick, your tune would change!"
You should have said your name was Steve or Bob or Bill...lol. I bet he would have been speechless! Do that if there's a next time.
Sorry you had a run-in with a D-bag. Glad your manager was sympathetic.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

shawna W.
on 9/12/13 5:13 am
RNY on 07/26/13
Lol at first I was thinking ceiling fan as my name. I feel better now after venting. And I was thinking the same thing as what if I were sweaty never showered me shaved (i do) he doesn't know that


HW: 358 SW: 316   

on 9/12/13 2:19 am - TX
RNY on 10/11/13

I used to be a directory assistance operator and man, this probably won't be the first or last perv you come across, unfortunately. I was an operator for 7 years and wish I had a dime for every one of them I cam across. YUCKY!


Highest Weight 304, Feb 2013. Met with nutritionist in March 2013 and started diet. Surgery Weight 272 on 10/11/13.  Current weight 231.

shawna W.
on 9/12/13 5:15 am
RNY on 07/26/13
Yeah it was pretty intense. But if it only happen every 2 weeks I'll buck up and hang up


HW: 358 SW: 316   

on 9/12/13 3:26 am
RNY on 05/07/12

Do you work for a company that does phone solicitations?  Can you leave your business manager's phone number and have the supervisor of that person who harassed you call him/her back?

shawna W.
on 9/12/13 5:17 am
RNY on 07/26/13
No ma'am we Just gather company info and I can't give out phone numbers (nor do I know them) also the person who harassed me was the owner :/


HW: 358 SW: 316   

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