on 11/19/13 4:57 am
Ok guys. I am new to this. I will be having surgery this Friday and I can't wait. If there is anything, anyone can share to help me in this process I am fully open to receive. i look forward to sharing updates, questions, pics whatever. I am sharing because I am a man. I notice that most of the time it is women who are posting not that, that is a problem I just know personally I wanted to see more men posting about thier experiences as frequesnt as women. :)
on 11/19/13 4:58 am

My wife is having her surgery on Friday as well.

Hopefully I am only 6-7 weeks after you guys.

I do look forward to hearing your experiences and seeing how others are doing.

Best of luck.



HW: 440.5  RNY 2/18 (Feb - 27, Mar -21, Apr -11, May -15.5, Jun - 12, Jul -14.5, Aug -9, Sept -11, Oct 6.2)

(deactivated member)
on 11/19/13 5:10 am - WI

Congrats on your surgery!! Nothing I can really tell, my surgery is in two weeks and my husband' sis 12/19/2013. I wish you all the luck, we will soon be following. 

on 11/19/13 5:15 am
Thanks guys. Ilook forward to all the support that may come :)
on 11/19/13 11:51 pm - Pine level , NC

Good luck I wish you the best

on 11/19/13 6:46 am
RNY on 05/13/13

I'm just over 6 months out and it would be a novel to share it all...but here are some highlights from me as well as my husband who is over 13 months out.

Beware the emotional rollercoaster. We had been married just over 22 years when my husband had his surgery. I seriously considered leaving him things got so awful with him. I mean TERRIBLE! Thankfully, we made it through and were better prepared when I went through this.

Don't try a lot of new things right off the bat. Go slow and easy with your food choices and err on the side of DON'T vs. DO when it comes to trying something

If you don't care for a food or it doesn't sit well one time, give it a few weeks and try again. 

Just because something sat well today, doesn't mean it will tomorrow or a month from now.

Do not try a new food when you are out and about. Just don't!

Remember that the more you move after surgery (walking only at first) the better you will feel.

Liquids count if they are hot or cold, so don't feel like you can only sip cold water. Mix it up a bit! And for whatever reason, plain water was difficult, but flavored water was easier to tolerate.

SF Popsicles ARE a liquid!

If you don't like something your surgeon says, clarify, but don't go against the plan. For instance, I wanted tomato soup, which was not specified and when I asked was told I could have it so long as it was water based. Would never have known if I had not asked. 

Vitamins can be chewables and the first few months it was TORTURE to get the calcium citrate in unless it was a chewable. Now, two of those are a great 'snack' for me because they fill me up with a glass of water! :)

ASK ASK ASK! There really isn't a stupid question unless it is 'Hey, should I eat cake a month post-op?' :)

Experiment with your shakes. I am a freaking barista with shakes now and have recipes I've developed that I'm happy to share with you if you PM me an email I can send them to.

DON"T WEAR SLOPPY CLOTHES! When you start shrinking out of yours, get some new ones even if it means the thrift shop. You want to really enjoy the changes, not be the slob in sloppy clothing. It really WILL make you feel better to have fitted clothing.

Have a pack of smaller size underwear ready to go. One morning my husband got up, put on his underwear and they fell right down! Now, as soon as he moves down a size, we buy a pack the next size down. (54 to a 34 in a year!!!)

Make mini milestones for yourself and CELEBRATE THE HECK OUT OF THEM without involving food...even healthy, good food choices...learn to live with non-food celebrations! I got a diamond band for 50 lbs, a designer bag for 75, a canary yellow diamond band for 100 and I will be doing something KICK ASS for hitting goal, which might just coincide with my 47th birthday. :)  I also do 'little' things like a new pair of running shoes the first time I ran a 5K without stopping or a new yoga mat after exercising 100 days in a row with only one day a week off each week. Things that have meaning in my new life. 

And on the personal side, if you are in an intimate relationship, be prepared to have to work through some major 'growth' as your pubic fat pad receeds, you'll have a few more inches of you and man, did that take some adjusting. There is a sex life forum on the boards and you may want to get some tips there as time goes on.

Anyway...there is a snippet from the Pet Hair Magnet family. :)




HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 11/19/13 7:23 am

Thank you so much this was EXTREMELY insightful! Thanks thanks thanks

on 11/19/13 9:47 am - NC

Wow ! I'm beginning to think OH cuts you a check to read/reply. Are they paying you by word? You're  everywhere!! 

on 11/19/13 11:09 am
RNY on 05/13/13
On November 19, 2013 at 5:47 PM Pacific Time, DiVathick2thin89 wrote:

Wow ! I'm beginning to think OH cuts you a check to read/reply. Are they paying you by word? You're  everywhere!! 

Lol, that would be nice!! Just type 96 WPM and have an opinion on a lot of things. :D 


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 11/19/13 6:54 am
RNY on 10/08/13
Good Luck!!!!



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