
on 11/30/13 5:34 am - TX
RNY on 10/11/13

Okay, so I know it can definitely be a stricture when you can't even get any liquids down without vomiting. But, is there such a thing as a mild stricture? I am about what, 7 weeks post op I think,  and I just can't tolerate anything remotely solid in texture, no matter how much I chew. I can actually feel it get "stuck" as it goes down, causing great pain right between by breast area. I am even noticing it with the softer stuff, like refried beans, I just ate about 1 1/2 oz and I feel it going down and it hits that "spot" and pain, ouch, etc.. then I can feel it slide just passed it and it feels better.

But, I ate literally 2 bites of very soft shredded brisket for lunch, chewed and chewed and chewed and it was still horrible. forget chicken or tuna or anything like that. It wants to come right back up. It is a horrible feeling. I don't go back to the surgeon until December 9th, so I was hoping someone might have some ideas as to what may be going on.

I know all diet plans are different, but according to ours, I should be able to eat small bits of "normal food" now and I can't and am really tired of liquids and soft foods.

Any thoughts are welcome. My doc only required a proton pump inhibitor for 6 weeks for ulcer prophylaxis, but I think I will start back on it to see if it helps.


Thanks for any help and thoughts you can offer!


Highest Weight 304, Feb 2013. Met with nutritionist in March 2013 and started diet. Surgery Weight 272 on 10/11/13.  Current weight 231.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/30/13 5:47 am - OH

Yes, you can definitely have a "mild" stricture where the opening is just somewhat closed up because of scar tissue.

If your surgeon can get you in before your scheduled appt, that would probably be a good idea, but I know it might not be possible.  Fortunately, it isn't very far away.  

In the meantime, I would stick with soft foods that don't clump. (Beef, chicken, even tuna and other dense fish can create a gummy clump in your pouch no matter how well they are chewed.) Yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs if you handle them, etc. would be good options.  I would suggest adding just a bit of milk or water to refried beans to thin them out just a tad to keep them from plugging things up.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 11/30/13 5:52 am - TX
RNY on 10/11/13

Thanks Lora, I appreciate the help. I am going to call Monday just in case.




Highest Weight 304, Feb 2013. Met with nutritionist in March 2013 and started diet. Surgery Weight 272 on 10/11/13.  Current weight 231.

Mary Catherine
on 11/30/13 11:43 am

I did not have a stricture but could not handle meat until sometime in my third month.  Then  it had to be very tender and/or drowning in sauce or gravy.

Everyone heals at their own rate.  What is allowed on your program might not be what your pouch dictates that it is allowed.  By six months out, I could eat any meat if I chewed well and ate slowly. 

on 11/30/13 1:31 pm - Stanaford, WV
RNY on 10/29/12
Papaya enzymes was and still is my best friend. They help tremendously with the stuck feeling
on 12/2/13 5:00 am

I have had this problem, from about 3 weeks after surgery. I had a surgical gentle stretch at about 5 weeks, and it helped, but did not completely  end those horrible stricture symptoms. I'm now 11 weeks post surgery, and only suffer about once every three days. I see my surgeon tomorrow for a routine check, and am hoping he does not suggest another stretch - the anaesthetics get to me! I'm still working out what foods go down comfortably, and whether there's other things that set off those symptoms (like starting off eating too quickly). I'd like to be able to eat a greater variety of food - I'm getting bored with eating soft foods (and a bit stressful when you're with others who think you're being precious about it all)! But am realising that this is just a part of my individual journey at this point and this will pass. It's all a huge adjustment with a lot of learning and surprises. Go well and be gentle on yourself; it's still early days..  I'm finding this forum to be a great help, learning from others' experiences. Blessings!

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