Physical pain from hunger

on 12/8/13 2:04 pm
RNY on 03/27/13
I have been having issues with actual stomach pains when I am hungry. Has anyone else had this before. For a while I wasn't able to even tell if I was hungry at all. Now I hurt then when I do eat it goes away.



on 12/8/13 2:33 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

I get a pain in my left side if I go too long between meals it took me a while to figure out it was hunger as it is not where I expect my pouch to be but when I eat it stops so I assume that is what it is. I thought I was the odd one!

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on 12/8/13 2:44 pm
RNY on 03/27/13
This has never happened to me. I thought I may be the odd one out. lol. Today was the worst for me. It went away as soon as I ate. It has happened several times in the past couple of weeks. I was so worried that I was doing something wrong. I didn't even know what feeling hungry felt like. I know that is strange but it's true.



on 12/8/13 11:46 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

I don't think I ever felt actual hunger before this either. It was odd. I was like oh crap do I have an ulcer? etc all the worst jumped to my mind. I ate it went away. It's happened enough times now that I figure it has to be hunger as every time eating makes it go away. Good luck and try to avoid it. I find when I do get to that point I've been known to eat too fast and paid for it!

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 12/9/13 3:47 am
RNY on 12/18/12

It is possible that it is your body's response to hunger, but keep an eye on it.  It could possibly be an ulcer.  Not to scare you, but ulcers are more painful when your stomach is empty.  I have gone through this.  I thought it was hunger.  If I take an Omeprazol (sp?) every morning, I don't have any problems.  Consult your doctor if you are worried or if the pain is intense.


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