
on 12/12/13 12:40 pm

for those of you old timers and recent timers as well, am 2 wks post op and initially after surgery didn't suffer from nausea, all of a sudden the thought of trying to eat makes me nauseous and am only able to try to keep fluids down, not throwing up but have felt like it. Is this normal and when were you able to eat regular food without issues. I am soo weak and i know its from not being able to eat. I take nausea medication which helps some but not completely. I am also getting depressed asking myself why i had this surgery. Its not been an easy recovery for me which was complicated by a wound abscess that still requires daily packing and dressing for several wks. Any thoughts will be appreciated

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/13 2:28 pm - WI

Hello, sorry you are having some issues. I am a newbie and don't know much, so I am sorry for that. I am a little over a week post op and from what I understand, it can be normal to experience nausea. I have been lucky, I have not had it to much. As far as regular food goes, I am in the purée stage and next week the soft food stage. I think it is several months, before regular food can be introduced. I know everyone is different and I have read different stories on that topic. I am sorry again, that you are having issues and wish you all the best. It may be better to contact your surgeon and see what advice they may have for you. I wish you all the best, sorry I couldn't help more.

April M.
on 12/12/13 5:51 pm - Clarksville, TN
RNY on 03/11/13

The nausea was an issue for me in the first few weeks as well.  My surgeon prescribed some zofran tablets that melt in your mouth. They helped me tremendously. I'd definitely call my surgeon and ask him/her if they can do something similar for you. Best wishes in your journey. Hope you are feeling better soon.


on 12/12/13 9:06 pm

I am taking zofran as well, which helps some. What pureed foods are you able to tolerate?

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