Just starting.....

on 1/13/14 11:56 pm

Ok so here goes my first post.....

I have been reading all your hopes, fears, struggles, milestones, and most of all your inspiring accomplishments.  I am just going to be going to the informational seminar on the 20th of this month.  I have to tell you I can't wait!!!  I am excited, apprehensive, motivated, encouraged, scared all wrapped up into one ball.  I think about this before I go to bed, when I wake up and all day long.  I feel so ready, but yet I know I am not.  I am not a patient person when I am waiting for something I want to do so bad.  Yet I think about what I will be going to go through and what the end result will be and I know I need to be patient.  I will feel so much better when I have my insurance approval. 

I have struggled with my weight all my life.  I am currently at 257.  My highest weight ever was 321.  I lost 160 lbs on my own with WW and exercise.  Of course the maintain part is what I have trouble with.   I am going to choose RNY for that reason.  I have been doing so much research and also talking to a friend who just had this done in March of 2013.  She also had the same procedure and I feel it would be the best option for me. 

I know this is not a miracle fix, this is going to be the hardest thing I probably have ever done.  I am willing and more than ready to do the work.  I am not afraid of the work, I am not afraid of the feelings, I am not afraid of anything but failure.  However this website has given me a lot of info and a lot of stories that I will probably someday be able to relate to and thank goodness I never have to be alone in this.  I am so encouraged by all of you and look forward to being able to talk about what I will go through and have someone give me ideas and help along the way.  The support groups I know will be encouraging also. 

Thank you all for sharing your stories and I look forward to being able to share mine. You all are truly inspiring!!!   


on 1/14/14 12:29 am
RNY on 05/13/13

You certainly sound like you realize this is not a magic surgery or brain surgery and that you are going to have to work on your head, but want the help of your stomach being operated on and to me, that makes a big difference in the long term. This said of course, as someone who is still months away from her own 1 year anniversary let alone long term. But as I have listened to and read the stories of those that ARE long term success stories, they they seem to have that in common!

WHOO HOO for you!!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 1/14/14 12:47 am
RNY on 09/11/13

You do sound like you have done a lot of work already, and have your head screwed on straight!  lol!  I did the WW thing also, for years, and lost a lot, but gained it back.  I really think that with the surgery, I will be successful for life. It's a lot of hard work still, but I feel like the surgery is the extra measure I've lacked.  And it doesn't ever go away.  So I am counting on it for maintenance. 

Welcome aboard... looking forward to hearing of your success.


on 1/14/14 12:48 am

Thank you so much for the encouragement....and CONGRATS on your success!!! 

on 1/14/14 1:03 am - FL
RNY on 08/07/13

Good luck to you MaryAnn1972!

I am still early on - and sometimes it does feel like the hardest thing I have ever done... but then I think about how hard it was just being alive as a MO person.  That was pretty freaking hard too... and I am finding things that seemed really hard at first are becoming less so as time passes.  New challenges are coming up, but now I am better prepared emotionally and physically to deal with them.  You will be too.  There is a lot of collective wisdom here, and a lot of people who have been on this ride for years who have a lot of support to offer,  there's no other place quite like it. 


on 1/14/14 1:21 am

Your excitement, nervousness, and enthusiasm made me smile. 

Tonite I am going to give a testimonial at my surgeon's weight loss support group.  I am honored that, at more than 5 years out, they feel I am example of someone who's been successful.  So absolutely take advantage of those support groups. 

And continue to post here and allow us to be part of your journey, okay?


on 1/14/14 5:21 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I would like to read your testimonial if you would consider adding it to your profile?

Age: 53  Height: 5'9" Highest BMI: 60's SW: 331 CW: 209 GW: 170 RNY on 11/26/2012

on 1/14/14 10:50 pm

I will do that....I just started on here so still trying to navigate through this site :)  I will figure out how to do it soon!!! 

on 1/14/14 6:03 am
RNY on 09/11/13

I'd like to read it also!  That's cool that they asked you to do that. 

on 1/14/14 10:52 pm

I will do that as soon as I figure out how...lol....thanks for being so supportive!! kiss

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