All is well

Larry Wassmann
on 2/19/14 11:57 pm - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12

I have not posted much lately but I read the post you folks do most days. It is almost 2 years now post op and I am doing very well. Still at goal with few problems. I have a little heart burn ever so often but other than that my life is pretty much back to what it was when I was in my 20s except my old bones don't work like they did then. What a blessing to my life this surgery has been and to my family. My oldest daughter based on what I did, had the surgery as well. She does not post here, I guess she is shy but works and her job is very demanding on her time. She is also doing very very well. She does not live close and I do not see her often, but I did see her a couple of weeks ago and she looks like she did when she graduated from High School. Maybe even a little thinner. No matter where you are in the process, please know if you follow the rules your surgery team put you on your surgery will be successful and your life will be changed in so many positive ways. Take advantage of the first year to modify your lifestyle and develop new habits and a menu plan that you can live on for the rest of your life. Like me, I am sure you will only grateful for this wonderful gift of a new life we have been given. JUST DO AS YOUR ARE TOLD and it works.

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MyLady Heidi
on 2/20/14 12:02 am

Congrats!  It is more do what makes sense.  No one can tell you exactly how many calories or grams of protein to eat at any given point, there are many schools of thought on there on what is right and what is wrong.  No one should blindly follow anyone's advice, even a doctor, if it doesn't make sense to you/your body/your lifestyle you need to do what works for you.  Honestly we are our only advocates, no one has to live in our shoes except us and no one understands what motivates or hinders us like we do.  Choose to create a new relationship with food, study nutrition and health, be proactive and never stop believing you can regain if you stop being cognizant of what you are eating.  Never just do as you are told.  Never.  It is very bad advice.  If I did as I was told I would still be taking Flintstone vitamins and tums for calcium.

Larry Wassmann
on 2/20/14 6:44 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12

I agree with most of what you say and that is why we have to use the honeymoon time to our best advantage. But there are a lot of people out there who drink when ever they want, skip meals, just drink protein shakes, and never try new meals and ways of cooking good food, eat out at fast food places all the time etc. They never ever learn a new way and a few years out are as bad off as before and maybe even gained more weight than they lost. We had a gal at our support meeting the other night crying her eyes out because she had gained all her wait back. She admitted it was her fault as she did not follow the program she was given and fell into old ways again. Yes you must find your own way and what works for you, but people can fool themselves without some structure. I am sure I could tell myself that a big bowl of ice-cream is really calcium and protein and good for me. Or that I don't need to take the supplements prescribed to me as I don't see any benefit right away. We do have to find our own way but I really believe professionals know more than we do.


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on 2/20/14 2:16 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congratulations. You have done awesome. Glad your daughter is doing well also.





on 2/20/14 3:44 am
VSG on 08/06/14

Thanks for the advice!  Congratulations on your continued success. 

E R.
on 2/20/14 2:00 pm - Switzerland

Thanks for sharing. You have done amazing. I also believe it is about having a structure and living a healthy lifestyle.

RNY:  4 June 2013


Karen R.
on 2/20/14 3:00 pm
RNY on 04/14/13

Congratulations on all your success.  How nice that it inspired your daughter to get healthier as well!

5'4" | Pre Surgery BMI:  40.7 | Current BMI:  20.8 | SW:  237 |  CW:  121 |  GW:  125

LilySlim Weight loss tickers



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