HELP...six month out and gaining

on 3/1/14 12:56 am - Syracuse, NY

I had surgery six months ago and have begun to gain weight. This is such a struggle. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting back on track. I slowly moving into a state of depression. Food suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

*Stay Tru*

on 3/1/14 4:55 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

Need a lot more info than what u provided.  Gaining how much over how long? What are u eating?  

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



on 3/1/14 5:09 am - Brighton, IL

If you post more about what and how much you eat in a day,how much fluids and exercise you are likely to get some help. We just need a bit more info please.



on 3/1/14 5:45 am - OH

It's hard to offer suggestions when you don't give us any info about what you're currently doing.

It would be hard to gain weight at just six months out.  How many calories do you eat in a typical day?  how many grams of protein?  How much exercise do you get?  What does your surgeon think is going on?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/2/14 12:09 am - Syracuse, NY

im drininkig sugar free drinks maybe like 2-3 times a week and i try to eat 2 proteins a day its hard staying on the right tract and i work alot so when i do take thing to work it be like mash potato little bowlls and eat that i drink water everyday and ive gain weight i dont go back to see my docotor for a few week taking my waterpills and vitimens i get full at times cant eat i still trying foods to see if i can keep down and my bad cravs are around its hard i knew it would be but having another over weight loveone in the house and having to cook for them because there diet has not change i see myself tasting and crewing and spitting .. do anyone have some ideas of foods i can try out i know apple sause hurts i water it down alot and still cant take it alos eggs do that to me and oatmeal.. still learning and open to new ideas of meal chooses i dont know my calerie intake but i will be reall and say the last month my bad food chooses was not good and im trying to lose this weight i gain

Laura in Texas
on 3/2/14 12:38 am

You need to cut out all the crappy carbs. Protein first, then veggies if you have room. No potatoes. if you are cooking you get to decide what to cook. You should love your loved ones enough to want them to be healthier, too.

You have to decide to follow the rules or not only will you never get to goal but you will gain it all back.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/2/14 1:06 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

I agree cut out the carbs - stay away from white foods (bread, flour - crackers, cookies,cake, etc., pasta, potatoes, white rice and junk food).

Get out your food plan.  My plan says 800-1200 calories for 6-12 months post op with 60-80 gram carbs & 60-80 gram protein per day.

If you are not keeping a daily food log you need to start now.  Write down every bite you put into your mouth and write the calories, grams of carbs & protein in your log.

Like already said - protein first, then veggies & fruit - EVERY meal and snack (if your plan allows snacks).

You choose what goes into your mouth.  Learn to read food labels and serving sizes.  Measure and then write in your food log.  It is never too late to start doing the right thing.  You need to learn good habits in the first 12 months after RNY when the weight loss happens - it gets more difficult for most of us after that.

My husband sometimes eats what I cook and sometimes he gets his own.  He brings food I choose not to eat into the house.  He is not overweight.  It is difficult to resist something I used to eat when I was morbidly obese - but I always have good protein choices (for me - hard boiled eggs, variety of cheeses, cottage cheese, greek and carbmaster yogurt, Bluebonnet Whey Protein isolate for hot or cold drink or mix in greek yogurt with flavorings, beans.  My pouch doesn't like much meat or fish.) I also keep a variety of fresh and frozen vegetables on hand and fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, fuji apples, mangos in the refrigerator.  So - no excuse for me not to eat healthy food.

Attend support groups and read on Obesity Help daily for support and accountability.

It does get easier but you need to be regimented and diligent the first year - at least that worked for me.

Best wishes, Penny

Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 3/2/14 5:42 am - Canada

These people have laid out what you need to do to lose the weight.  I am four years out and still don't eat potatoes, rice, pasta.   I have bread occasionally - like once a week - slice of a 40 cal, 9 carb bread.  I will eat some crackers, but not often.  I substitute zucchini for pasta; find other alternatives if necessary.  Today it's moussaka with roasted eggplant, tvp (soy protein), tomato saucet, onions, bechamel sauce with egg to thicken it.  Lots of people are busy working and you cannot use that as an excuse.  Same as cooking for others.....they can learn to eat healthy foods by your example.  Find good recipe sites.....www.theworldaccordingtoeggface; www.bariatricfoodie, www.bariatricgirl, or other sites.  And record all your foods to be honest with yourself.  You are setting yourself up for defeat and you really can do this!!!!


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