How do you take all your viamins?

on 3/3/14 2:34 am - Louisville, KY

Just wondering how everyone takes their vitamins?  I really need to start taking my vitamins again.  But vitamins need to be taken with food and if we're not supposed to drink a half an hour before and and after we eat, how are we supposed to take our vitamins?  I have tried to take liquid vitamins but they upset my stomach.  So how do you all take your vits?  And which ones do you say are the most important?  Thanks!!!


Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 3/3/14 3:13 am - Brighton, IL

My surgeon says it is fine to drink up until you begin to eat because liquids go right through the pouch just like water through a funnel. I take my vitamins about right before I eat. All the vitamins are important in order to make sure your levels are good. They are very important to be the healthy person you want to be!



on 3/3/14 3:19 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I take mine orally.

They do not have to be taken with food. Some things shouldn't be taken with certain foods.

The only strong recommendation is take iron two hours apart from anything else, just to be safe. Take three doses of 500 calcium citrate, two hours apart. Take two multivitamins anytime. Take B12 anytime. Take D3 anytime.

How much you take of certain things like B, D, or others will depend on your lab results. If you haven't had a full set of labs done recently, do it very soon.

There are tons and tons of posts on here about labs and vitamins. Do a search, and do some reading.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 3/3/14 9:13 am - Louisville, KY

Thank you so much guys!!!  I did have some lab work done last summer and I was deficient in D and iron.  Know if I can just remember to take them all during the day...I have such a problem with it.  I was just wondering how I could take them all with food and water.  I didn't know about taking the iron separate.  Thank you for telling me.

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








on 3/3/14 3:25 am - WA
RNY on 08/13/13
I take my multi vits and B1 and B12 first thing in the AM with my decaf coffee. Once these are down, I eat breakfast. About 1 hr after b-fast I take my first set of calciums, then every 2-3 hrs take calciums, once I wait my 30-60 minutes after eating anything. I take my vit C and iron pills right before bed. Once you get in the habit, it really is easy to do. I carry a day's worth of vitamins in a pill box in my purse so I keep to schedule while I am out.
I also don't wait to eat - I drink right up until I eat, then wait at least 30 minutes, but aim for 1 hour to start drinking after I eat.

Lapband surgery in 2009 -  Revision to RNY August 13, 2013 with gallbladder removal.

HW - (260)   SW - (197)   GW - (135), updated on 1-2-14 to 125lbs  HT 5'5"  Goal reached 3/2/14-revised goal to 120 on 3/9/14   reached 4/6/14             


on 3/3/14 4:58 am - OH

I usually take my vitamins right before I eat.  There is no reason not to drink for half an hour before you eat.  However, you don't have to take your vitamins with food if you don't want to.  The important thing is to take them.

As far as what's most important, well, I guess the multi, calcium citrate, B12 and iron are all very important.  And D3.  If you're going to slack on something, I'd say that should be something like the B complex (which the ASMBS says is optional anyway) and the vitamin C (that helps with the absorption of iron but you don't have to take it).  I mean, what's most important to you?  your bones?  Then take your D3 and your calcium.  The ability to walk normally and have feeling in your hands and feet?  Then take your B12.  The ability to have enough energy to stand up long enough to, say, take a shower?  Then take your iron.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/3/14 7:47 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

I take my vitamins when I get  up and before bed.  The morning ones I put in a large 7 day pill container.  I take some before I shower, a couple more before I brush my teeth, a couple while I dry my hair, etc.  By the time I leave the bathroom - I've got them all in.

Then - I have more I take before bed.  I have them in a 7 day pill container by my TV chair and start about 7:30 and a few at a time until I got to bed at 9pm (Don't judge - I get up at 5!)

Exception is calcium - since we need 500mg doses - at least 2  hours apart and we need 1500-2000mg a day - I use calcium chews from Bariatric Advantage.  I have them in bathroom upstairs, kitchen downstairs and my desk at work.  I write in my food diary to make sure I get 3-4 doses a day.

That's what works for me.  Starting my day and ending my day - I have a routine.  During the day varies too much day by day for me - so I found this is what works for me.  Best wishes,  Penny

Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 3/3/14 9:21 am - Belleville, IL

Er, I'm not a Doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but..........Several surgeons have said you CAN drink before eating. ALso NOT all vitamins "must" be eaten with food. I am nearly 3+ years post op, and I use one of those "Pill cases" (Think Granny Pill thingy)  You know, the ones that have slots for Breakfast, AM, Lunch, Dinner and bedtime.   I put my vitamins 1 in AM and one in Dinner, You can do calcium WITH vitamins, so I put my calcium in the Breakfast, AM and Dinner slot.

I add my magnesium in the lunch slot along with my vitamin D3. My Iron goes by itself at bedtime (on empty tummy) I use the Carbonyl Iron.  I do my own B12 injection once a month on the 1st (Then I don't forget). My labs have ALWAYS been outstanding, so whatever I am doing works.  The pill cases are awesome and most have removable slots for the day in case you have to take it to work, etc. Good luck!  Also, if you are newly out, do the "chewables"...I did the chewables from day 2 after my surgery. My surgeon never had a problem with me swallowing pills (like the petite calcium citrate tablets) however, they DO make chewable calcium and Iron as well..... I know VitaLady carries it. That's where I get mine. Also Centrum makes a chewable vitamin, but it does NOT have Vitamin K, so you'd have to supplement your K.




on 3/3/14 9:56 am - Louisville, KY

Thanks everyone!!  It's all confusing....I'm on 4 different medications for my bipolar and it's hard to remember to take those.  I guess it's like you said, I just need a routine.  it's no wonder why I'm so tired all the time...  I'm definitely going to look into those chewable ones.  Does anyone know if iron will interfere with a sleeping pill?  I take an Ambien every night.  Thanks again everyone for your thoughtful responses.

Start 286/Current 265/ Goal 150








Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 3/5/14 9:45 am - Belleville, IL

No, Iron should not interfere with Ambien, I have taken Ambien for over 12 years, 3 with the Carbonyl iron. No problems.  If you are on other medications as well (I believe you mentioned you were) as I am, you truly need to get a "Pill Planner". They make BIG ones that can hold your vitamins and other medications. Put it in your bathroom or nightstand or kitchen wherever  you will SEE it, several times a day.  :)  Also, if you are really forgetful or busy,  most Cell phones have apps like "Pill Reminders" or alarms....  If you don't have a cell phone or what not, they actually make little digital pill reminders that beep and remind you when to take your medication. 

Once we've had our RNY's we cannot be lax about vitamins. Sadly there have been people here on these boards, and others I've been on, whom have died from not taking the proper vitamins. It isn't an option. Like a 'diabetic' you must take your vitamins and calcium every day. Best of health to you!




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