10 weeks out and need some support

on 3/24/14 12:42 pm
RNY on 01/15/14

I had my surgery on Jan 15th and besides a few hiccups I think things have been fairly smoothe.  The trouble I'm struggling with is that since surgery everything seems to have a much more intense flavor.  I gag on what most people I think would consider fairly bland food.  It makes eating correctly difficult.  I can't tolerate protein shakes so I have been getting a lot of my protein from various dairy sources (Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, etc...)

Should I worry about all the milk sugars or other carbs I end up taking in?????

HW/217 1st apt/202 SW/191 CW/115

1st goal:140 @9months

2nd goal:130 @11months

3rd goal:115 @16months  


on 3/24/14 12:50 pm

I am so sorry you are having such a hard time.  It may take some time to settle in to an eating plan that works for you.  At this point I imagine that the dairy products are fine, I ate primarily dairy as a protein source for a long time.  Carbs are only an issue if they cause you to crave more carbs (which doesn't happen for most people with dairy), keep you from losing weight, or if you dump on them.  but it sounds like you are doing fine with the dairy.  i am glad you found something that works for you.  You may have already tried all of these, but if you wanted to branch out and find some other ways to get protein, i wonder if beans (pureed white beans are very nice and pretty bland) or tofu would be good.  But if all you can do is dairy and dairy is working for you, that sounds okay to me. 

on 3/24/14 1:33 pm
RNY on 01/15/14

The tofu is a great suggestion 


HW/217 1st apt/202 SW/191 CW/115

1st goal:140 @9months

2nd goal:130 @11months

3rd goal:115 @16months  


on 3/24/14 3:22 pm - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

Try adding unflavored protein powder to cottge cheese, yogurt, etc.  I like Unjury unflavored or Nectar Medical.  Don't use a ton at first to figure out the fine line of two much and needing more.  If you can get in two scoops a day that's 20 grams of protein.  I hardly notice it at all in the above two things.  And tastes change as you move along - what you hate today might be groovy in a month.



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 3/24/14 9:48 pm

I love the word groovy!  I am going to start calling everything groovy now!

on 3/25/14 5:57 am - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

I use 'groovy' and 'dandy' all the time - never fails to get a chuckle!



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 3/24/14 11:34 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Oy that sounds tough :(  I use a shaker bottle for my  protein shakes - drinking the shake through a little hole in the top means I can't smell that lovely protein shell!  I also use unsweetened almond milk which only has 30 calories per cup and .5 g of carbs!  MUCH better than skim, for me.  

I have not experienced intense flavor (I love spice, spice, spice) but my nose could sniff out a dead body from 100 miles away.  I have had so many people smell my fridge and freezer in an attempt to find out what REEKS and no one else can smell a thing!  It's crazy!!!

on 3/25/14 12:19 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I seem to have out-of-ordinary tolerance for things like smell, pain, messes, and even death if you can believe it.  I attribute it to harsh reality experienced being raised on a large farm...guessing you weren't?  ha! 

on 3/25/14 4:23 am - Indianapolis, IN

I couldn't do the fake protein (It made me gag) and my DR had me drink 1/2 gallon of D milk every day - great way to get fluids and protein. I also dropped weight like crazy!


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