What happens when you don't have that much to lose?

Naomi P.
on 3/31/14 11:57 pm
RNY on 04/21/14

I am trying to say I don't want to lose so much I look bad.

   I am scared of so many things . I was scheduled in Jan and cancelled now again  on April 21 st. I am afraid that I will lose and look so bad and be sickly .Scared I won't make it through the surgery. Scared I will be bald as I have stated before on here I have very thin hair and I now use Rogaine at night. Per my Dr.

i have to see my Dr. On Friday and I will be talking about my issues. And I also know I am the only one that can make this decision.BUT I am so scared  and of all the surgery so before never once was I scared .

any one else like me or am I being  a sissy.



on 4/1/14 12:00 am

Pardon me being blunt but how did you qualify for surgery if you don't have at lest 100 lbs to loose? I had to have a bmi of 40 to qualify & at 5'3" 230 (pre surgery) I just hit a bmi of 40.



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/1/14 12:07 am - OH

Take a deep breath.  First of all, the chances of dying from the surgery are VERY small.  Even the few people who die in the couple of months following surgery don't die from the surgery itself, they die from existing problems (e.g., heart problems).

You don't say how much weight you need to lose, but there are very few people who lose TOO much weight.  Use the magnifying glass at the top of the page and search on "before and after" and look at the photos.  You won't see very many people who are too thin.  Most people, in fact, look very healthy!  Yes, some people drop too much weight, but when they adjust their diet to get some additional fats and calories, they almost always gain back to a healthier weight.

A lot of people DO go through a temporary phase where their faces look gaunt from losing so much weight so fast, but it always goes away after a few months.

no one can tell you about the hair loss, so I cannot tell you not to worry about it, but the hair almost always grows back.  Ask yourself whether you would trade having to wear a wig for the rest of your life (not AT ALL likely, but possible) for having a normal sized, healthy body.  I would have.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Naomi P.
on 4/1/14 12:07 am
RNY on 04/21/14

I have a lot of health issues .CAD , Asthma, gerd, RA , high blood preasure , Barrett's .i currently weigh 200 lbs.



on 4/1/14 2:14 am

While I was going thru the decision to have or not have surgery, the most important decision to me was, do I want to continue as I am, or am I REALLY ready to change my life.  It is a life changing decision.  I have not lost as much I as would like (I am 11 mos out) but my life is so much better than before.  I used to not want to do anything or go anywhere, mostly from embarrassment, but at the time I wasn't aware that was my problem.  I have lost 80 lbs and can now fit comfortably in a chair at the theater, or on a plane, or even in a restaurant.  I am not looking around to see if I am the fattest person in the room, and my relationships with family have greatly improved, because I FEEL BETTER about myself.  That is the biggest reason for me to have done this.  I FEEL BETTER, physically and emotionally.  It has been a struggle, don't think it is easy, but I would do it again. 



 RNY 5/20/13 surg wt 233   5'9" HW 258 CW183



Naomi P.
on 4/1/14 2:17 am
RNY on 04/21/14

Thank you all for the great comments. And I hope there is more to come .I have a Dr. Appt on Friday and I am going to talk to him about my concerns .



on 4/1/14 2:21 am

I saw in your tracker "Waiting to Be Thin"  maybe it should read "Working to be Thin".  Because even with the surgery it is WORK.

 RNY 5/20/13 surg wt 233   5'9" HW 258 CW183



Naomi P.
on 4/1/14 2:27 am
RNY on 04/21/14

Oh I do know it is a Tool . I just need some help.  I don't think I am the only one.



on 4/1/14 3:05 am

Naomi,  You are definitely focused on the negatives.  A lot of us were yo-yo dieters. I finally got up to 263 and well my health became a major issue then.  I can only tell you that the vast majority of us wish we'd done it sooner. There was only one death associated with the group I used who's done then for many years and it was due to the patient's own lifestyle afterwards.  

I'm one who is losing "some" of my hair but no one knows it but me.  I'm not familiar with people going bald although maybe you've found something I'm not aware of.  I just poof my hair out more to mask it.  It's gonne grow back.  No big deal to me.  Try to focus on the positive sides if you want to go thru this.  I guess no one would have the surgery if we just looked at from one side.

                Can't Never Did Nothin !!  

Naomi P.
on 4/1/14 6:41 am
RNY on 04/21/14

Now first and for most  I need to add. I was all ready to have it in Like I said January ,but cancelled . While some might think that is wrong of me. You know your self you have to be 100 % ready for this as it is a life time change? and I do appreciate all of the help on here .And yes there is some that I read have a hard time at first. Now I said at first and then I read those same ones that they are doing just fine. But I would imagine  that  a lot was afraid at first. And I really read a lot on here and know that you have all been through it.     So Thanks Again



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