How many days were you in the hospital?

Naomi P.
on 4/7/14 4:24 am
RNY on 04/21/14

My Dr. Said around 3 days. I was wondering are we a loud to bath?.After I thought about it probably not a loud to shower. I have read on here that some drink coffee after the surgery is that true. Mine doesn't want me to but I AM loud on this preop liquid protein diet. And thank goodness .



on 4/7/14 4:26 am - OH

I was in the hospital one night.  Yes, you should be allowed to take a shower in the hospital.  And yes, it's true that some people drink coffee after surgery.  Some drink decaf and some drink regular.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/7/14 5:26 am

I was able to go home in 1 day but it was a mistake i should have stayed the extra time .I did take a shower before leaving and boy did it feel good. my doctor said no bathes until the incesions are healed.Only decaf coffee which is so hard for me but i am down to one 6 oz cup in the morning with truvia.

good luck with your journey

Spots- N-Dots
on 4/7/14 5:30 am

Hi Naomi P -

I was in the hospital for three days. My surgery was late afternoon so it was evening by the time I was out of recovery and into a room.  For the bathing, I was given hot compresses and soap/water to sponge bathe. I spent most of my time sleeping and a little bit of time walking the halls.  Was to sore to think about bathing...About the coffee - they brought me coffee the morning after surgery but I know people have different plans, my plan allowed it.  I have seen where people try to wean themselves off coffee, or cut back the amount they drink while on the pre-op. It makes it easier to cut it out once you are post-op (if that's what your plan says). Good luck

Take care


" Never let your dreams rust "   



(deactivated member)
on 4/7/14 5:52 am
RNY on 03/10/14

Bathing will depend on what they use for closing your incisions and how well you are doing after surgery. If you are up walking and your incisions were closed with glue (Dura Bond), then most Drs will allow you to take a shower. If you have stitches or staples closing your skin then no - you will only be allowed a sponge bath until they come out in around 10 days. It is however up to your Dr. He knows you and will decide what is best in your case. As for coffee, I gave it up since it increases dehydration (its a diuretic) . You will have enough issues with keeping hydrated without sabotaging your efforts by drinking coffee. Listen to your Dr on both these issues. He is the one that knows personally what is in your best interest.

on 4/7/14 6:37 am

I had surgery on Tuesday AM, was in the room by shortly after lunch.  I was walking that night.  I spent all day on Wednesday sitting and visiting with friends.  I had a PICC line, and I guess they might would have disconnected me to shower, but I did not.

I came home on Thursday about lunch time, so I spent two nights and about 48 hours total in the hospital.

I had staples and I could shower once I got home (easier without the line).  My bandages held up nicely with showers and all and I went back at one week and he removed the bandages and then I could shower still.




HW: 440.5  RNY 2/18 (Feb - 27, Mar -21, Apr -11, May -15.5, Jun - 12, Jul -14.5, Aug -9, Sept -11, Oct 6.2)

on 4/7/14 6:56 am

I had my surgery on a Tuesday morning and was there until Friday afternoon.  They did let me shower Friday morning and my incisions were glued.  The only hard part of showering were that the drain tubes were still in.


Kimberly K.
on 4/7/14 8:01 am
RNY on 03/21/14

I had my surgery on a Friday morning and was discharged Sunday Morning. RNY was laparoscopic so no staples but I did have a drain. Mostly alternated resting and walking. I was allowed 4 "calorics" a day such as 1 stick of a popsicle, small amount of juice mixed with water, jello, or broth. 60mls of any of those. No coffee. In fact, I had to give up caffeine in all forms prior to surgery which I did. Baths not permitted, only showering until incisions healed and steri strips fall off.


Kim K.    

Amy R.
on 4/7/14 8:47 am

Surgery in the morning, released next day and showered when I got home from the hospital.  My surgery was laproscopic though and I didn't even have staples at the closure sites - just medical tape.


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