Walking & Water ?

Naomi P.
on 4/7/14 8:16 pm
RNY on 04/21/14

How many do you walk? I do 3 miles mostly . But sometimes  just 2. I know it is the best thing to do. I am suppose to get 64 ounces of water after my surgery is there some different tricks to get it all In ?Why I ask I don't get that in now.



on 4/7/14 9:51 pm - MI

My surgery is Schd for may 6.  But right now I drink at least 4 quarts of crystal light a day.  When I was drinking jus****er I could never drink that much but once I turned to crystal light that's all I have now.

not sure it will be the same after surgery but I really hope so.



Naomi P.
on 4/7/14 10:35 pm
RNY on 04/21/14

Thanks ,

    I use to drink that all the time and then I think I just got tired of it . But I am going to try it again today .



on 4/7/14 10:51 pm

As far as walking goes I like to walk a minimum of 3 miles and yes I drink while I am walking, too. LOL! I have found that if I am not eating then I am drinking either protein shakes or water (liquids). I always have a cup or bottle in my hand. I have one beside my bed when I go to sleep so it is ready when I wake up and I carry one with me when I am driving so I can drink water then. I do not waste an opportunity to drink. I challenge myself to have a bottle drank by a certain time and once I have met that challenge then I get another bottle or cup. This is the only way to get my water in by early evening so my bladder and kidneys empty for the night.  

(I drink unsweetened tea, flavored water with sugar free Wylers, Crystal Light, Hawaiian Punch, Great Value packets.)


 “Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.”― Marc Hack

Ht:5'4 SW:268 CW:127.2 GW:125 RNY 06/09 Stomach/colon revision 11/13  

Naomi P.
on 4/8/14 12:10 am
RNY on 04/21/14

Is it hard to sip sip sip? I never cared for water so I would guzzle it to try and get it in. Now after I know it is going to be different.     Anyone else that way.    Thanks for the advice....



on 4/8/14 12:16 am

For me the first few weeks were difficult to get in all the water, I had to sip constantly.  I still keep water with me where ever I go, but now at 7 weeks (today) post op, I can drink much more than just after surgery.

I cannot guzzle it still and probably will never be able to, but I can take in a mouthful and swallow with no issues.

The best thing is to just keep it with you and drink every minute or so (if you are not eating or about to eat).

As for the walking, I have walked in the past, it does work well for me, and 3 miles is a pretty reasonable distance.  But it is more important to walk than to get in a distance or a time.  For example, let's say it takes you 45-60 mins to walk 3 miles, but you only have 30 mins, it is better to walk 2 miles than none.

If you have the time, walk 3, if not, walk as much as you can walk.



HW: 440.5  RNY 2/18 (Feb - 27, Mar -21, Apr -11, May -15.5, Jun - 12, Jul -14.5, Aug -9, Sept -11, Oct 6.2)

on 4/8/14 12:22 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Sipping didn't work for me immediately after surgery. I found that regular small swallows worked better, as I was swallowing too much air sipping. Maybe I just don't know how to sip correctly, I dunno. I also found that drinking with a straw was much better for me. I know we're told not to, but it worked just the opposite of what I was told: I swallowed less air with a straw. I think it's a very individual thing.

Now, at about four months out, I can take five or six pretty large swallows at a time. Any more than that and I can feel the water backing up into my esophagus. It's unpleasant, but not painful. After a couple of seconds what I've swallowed goes down, and I can take another few swallows.

I keep glasses of water all over the house, it's kind of crazy. Every place I may settle for any length of time, there's a glass or bottle nearby. This is fine for me as I prefer my water at room temperature or just slightly cooler. Super cold water is unappealing. Have you tried your water at different temperatures? Cold, cool, room temperature are all options. You can even try warm and hot, perhaps making some tea. Remember that liquids in general count, so tea or bullion are options, and your shakes will count as well. Also, if you don't care for water, try flavoring it. There are the Crystal Light and Mio-type options, but I prefer to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible. Try slicing up a lemon or a cucumber and put it in your glass. You may find that you develop a water habit after surgery, I know I did.

Good luck!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


Naomi P.
on 4/8/14 4:24 am
RNY on 04/21/14




on 4/8/14 7:01 am

Im 3 weeks post op. I have also thought about maybe using a straw to drink. Before surgey I loved water and crystal light, but now crystal light is way to sweet for me and I have trouble drinking water. I find it much easier to drink if its very very cold. 

on 4/8/14 7:21 am, edited 4/8/14 7:24 am - AK
RNY on 02/11/13

Great that you are walking, that is awesome!  I started out walking after surgery and then joined a Couch-to-5K club a couple months later and by the end I actually could RUN that 3.1 miles.  Over the winter (it's a very VERY long winter in Alaska!), I have pretty much stuck to swimming, spinning and some runs on the treadmill and can't wait for the ice and snow to be gone so I can run outdoors again.  My goal is 5 miles now, but I try to run 3 miles daily.    As for the water, it's harder to drink much shortly after surgery, but as Pam described you eventually can drink normal.  Your pouch will let you know when it's full, but with no pyloric valve the water empties pretty quickly so you can drink some more.  I drink all day too - always have water in my bag, the car, the different rooms of the house but I like it ICE cold so use thermo bottles to keep it that way.  And for flavor I use decaf tea, homemade broth, or Zipp Fizz (gets my vitamin Bs in and tastes good). 

Sounds like you are off to a good start :)


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