Have a baby or have a tummy tuck?

on 4/8/14 10:49 pm
RNY on 12/29/13

Since I was 16 yrs old I was told I have issues with my ovaries, since 22 I found out I had PCOS. It has effected my entire life. Tears comes to my eyes as I write because I love children & just the thought of not being able to have them have hurt my for many years. I recently had RNY the day before my 30th birthday, the doctor told me it would help with my PCOS but I've been told that same exact things several times in the past with no results. Now my menstrual cycle has been perfect For the last 4 months. My original plan was to get a tummy tuck, breast reduction 12-18 months post surgery when my doctor give me the clearance but now with this sudden change in my cycle I am kinda of thinking I want to have a baby. What should I do? Have a baby, then tt or have a tt then baby? Really don't want to miss the opportunity to have a child just because I'm being vain but I also have never wore a two piece bathing suit either .please help

on 4/8/14 10:53 pm
RNY on 12/29/13

Sorry forgot to mention I've been with my boyfriend for 7 yrs and we plan to get marry very soon but we talk about having a family all the time.

Jen Lyn
on 4/10/14 4:31 am
RNY on 11/11/13

I was told to finish having kids first as it would stretch out again and I would regret doing the tummy tuck first. When I do it, I want to get all the excess skin off.

on 4/8/14 11:49 pm - OH

The decision to have a child is a huge decision, not one anyone online can make for you.  But if you see it as being somehow equal to having a tummy tuck, then go for the tummy tuck.  That doesn't sound like you're ready to take on the responsibility of a child.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/9/14 1:42 pm
RNY on 12/29/13

I have read several of your replies to many questions and the funny thing is not that you are always serious nasty and evil but it's just funny that you usually are the first to respond.. that tells me all I need to know about you. Sorry that you have lost the weight and still continue to be negative spirit but I always pray for people like you, one day you will get it hopefully when that time comes you won't have too many people to ask for forgiveness. Thank you for your response but God has blessed me to raise 4 children on my own while working two jobs and going to school full time, since the age of 18 they were just not biologically mines, so yes I know responsibility. If you don't know just ask before you judge or better yet don't comment at all.choose to figure out why you are so negative.

Citizen Kim
on 4/10/14 12:11 am, edited 4/10/14 12:11 am - Castle Rock, CO

How very ultracrepidarian of her - I thought it was very obvious that you were not asking us whether you should have a baby of not, but in what order you should have them in.

Don't give other people's lack of knowledge and judgement a second thought - I'm sure most of us will be thrilled for you to have the opportunity to be a mother - especially those of us who have children and know what a joy they can be!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 4/9/14 12:27 am
RNY on 02/24/14

Adopt a foster child!  I was never able to have a baby because of my pcos.  Adopting my son was the best thing I ever did.  Save a child and save the world.   There are hundred of thousands of foster children that need good stable homes.   

       RNY 2/24/14. HW 274ish. SW 259 GW 135


on 4/9/14 9:17 am

I agree.  I adopted 3 of my children through foster care.  One at 3, his brother at birth, and another brother 6 months ago that we were in the room for the birth.  Foster Care has amazing children that are full of love and will bless your life forever.  

on 4/9/14 1:43 pm
RNY on 12/29/13

Thank you, I always consider foster children as a option, all children needs love.thank you for the reply

on 4/9/14 12:54 am

As a mother to two young children, it is a hard tough job not to be taken lightly.  If you know you want to have children and are going to have children do it before a TT. you will just ruin your TT with pregnancy if that is your choice. 

Single mom to 2 girls! Love them <3


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