HELP! Frequent periods!

on 4/13/14 3:54 am
RNY on 03/19/14 with

Hello Beautiful people! I am almost a month post op RNY surgery (3-19-14). My period started on the day of surgery and lasted 7 days. 10 days after that, I started on my period again! Is this normal? Has anyone else suffered this madness?!?!

on 4/13/14 5:57 am - MN

I'm sure your doctor mentioned to you that after surgery the release of hormones in stored fats would wreck your period schedule. You could get frequent periods, one long one each month, more than

one per month, etc. It's also the reason women are so fertile after surgery and have to use 2 forms of birth control. The hormones stored in fat are released into the blood stream in large amounts when we

lose the most - usually the first 6 months. You can have multiple periods every month or one longer one -multiple weeks-or for some women who didn't menstruate before surgery they start again after. You will

have irregular periods as long as you're losing weight. It stabilizes later on-6-10 months out. If you carry your weight around the middle-abdomen, upper thigh area you'll have more hormones to release-seems that's where we keep them in our fat cells. Losing that will release them. It gets better but it's also a good sign that you're losing and the fat is being flushed away.

Jen 13 yrs post op RNY

on 4/13/14 9:56 am
RNY on 03/19/14 with

That is such a relief to know! My doctor forgot to mention that...-_-....

Tanya L.
on 4/14/14 3:57 am

After all of the posts I have seen on this forum, I gave my doctor hell for not warning me about this.  He told me that it's not common.  I don't know where he's getting his facts, but from everything I've read, it is common.  I had my PCP put me on new birth control just to get me regulated.  I'm 6 months post-op & am now regular, but have heavier flow than I did before.  I hope it calms down soon.

on 4/14/14 9:16 am
RNY on 03/19/14 with

I hope so too!!!!!!

on 4/13/14 6:41 am
RNY on 04/28/14

I was wondering if this messes with hormonal birth control as well, like the pill and depo provera. Anyone know anything about this? Is my depo going to be ineffective?

RNY on April 28, 2014 with Laura July at Unity Hospital in Fridley (Twin Cities) Minnesota.

Starting weight in October 2013: 350 lbs. SW: 275 lbs. CW: 242 lbs.


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