What's on the menu today, RNYers?

on 6/12/14 11:57 pm, edited 6/12/14 11:58 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning all! I've had an extremely frustrating morning - from it being a hot, soupy mess for my walk, to spilling my 16oz of coffee all over the Reference Desk, to a burst sewer pipe in the Library, to our phone lines going down! I'm hoping things can only go up from here...

I'm down another .5 pound this morning though, so that was good. This week has been an extremely good week as far as the scale is concerned, so I should be feeling on top of the world. I just love looking at my weight graph on MFP, it feels incredibly empowering.

Time since surgery: 12 weeks

B: 2.5oz greek yogurt with 1T wheat germ, 1 mini whole wheat muffin

S: coffee (though not the original cup of course) with half and half, 12oz Nectar Lemon Tea protein shake

L: Green Chili Cheese Puff (still eating through the frozen portions), steamed carrots

PreY S: Babybel Lite

D:  Omelet with chevre cheese and onions, sweet potato tots from TJ's

S: 12oz Nectar Lemon Tea protein shake, .5oz roasted chickpeas if I need them

TOTALS: Calories 842, Protein 92, Carbs 46, Fat 29

V: started

W: on track

E: walked 1.5 miles this morning, maybe the Y this evening, I'm feeling a little grumpy about it right now though

Big weekend plans anyone? I'm heading off to a 4 day workshop on Sunday. I'm really excited for the program, it's a leadership academy sponsored by the statewide library association and it was really competitive to get in - but I'm also nervous about living in a hotel and having group meals the whole time. It is also the worst time since Monday starts the busiest 8 weeks of my year - Summer Reading Club (last year we had 7,500 people come to programs in those 8 weeks). Eeeek!

What's on your menu today?

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/13/14 12:27 am - Brighton, IL

Sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up. I got a good start this morning:3 mile walk done with the dog,20 minutes on level 2 of 30 day shred.(I did it with the sound off as I just couldn't stomach listening to Jillian today)! Then gave the dog a bath. All done by 9:00. Not bad! Hubby and I are going to pick our youngest up at college for the weekend tonight and going out for supper. We will be celebrating Father's Day at my in-laws on Sunday. Good start on fluids and vitamins so far and exercise all done too. B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and 1/2 banana with peanut butter L 31/2 oz strip steak(last of leftovers)1/2 c sweet potatoes(last of them too!) S whole wheat crackers with peanut butter D not sure will depend on where we decide to go S 3/4 c Greek yogurt with nuts. Plan to work in the garden some this afternoon too. Have a great weekend everyone!



on 6/13/14 3:36 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Karen, I hope you have a great visit with your kiddo! I miss mine terribly, haven't seen him since December, but now that he's working it's not easy to find time for him to come visit.

And enjoy the Father's Day celebration as well!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 6/13/14 3:56 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

What time do you wake up Karen?! You're always getting so much done so early!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/13/14 3:33 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Hello Anny! I'm sorry to hear about your morning, a coffee spilled on the Reference desk doesn't sound like a good thing at all! Add in burst pipes and no phone lines...sheesh, you've had your hands full this morning! And congrats on getting into the workshop, it sounds like a really great thing to have on your resume. Not to mention networking with peers, which can be a lot of fun. I'm sure you'll do great with the group meals, etc. Just remember to pack snacks and tuna packs, or similar. I'm sure you'll do great!

Nothing much to report here. I feel like I'm the doldrums a bit, to be honest. Summer just refuses to show up, for one thing. I don't think temps in the high 60's are really June weather! I guess since I'm always so cold I'm really impatient for temps in the 80's, which will get here eventually, but in the meantime I'm just freezing and waiting. I'm also at a point where, at about six months out, this is becoming just plain routine. Eating, exercising, watching the scale creep down...there's just not much excitement to it anymore. Which is a good thing, I suppose, after all I did this with the idea of making life changes. So a new routine is good, as long as it's a healthier routine. But I already miss the super drastic loss, and the fun of new, smaller clothing sizes. I feel like I'll be in 16's for a while, so we'll have to see how it goes, but for the moment I guess I'm just settling into my new normal and adjusting to that.

I did have some fun putting on a dress I'd bought a couple of months ago from Old Navy. It's a fit and flare in a navy blue knit fabric that feels kind of like a very thin wetsuit material, if that makes sense. It's actually very comfortable, but the cut of the bodice shows a lot of bra, so I'll wear it with a shrug. Anyway, I had bought it in a large, which is their 12-14 size, thinking I'd get into it by the end of the summer. I was amazed last night when I found out that it fit! Snugly, but definitely fit. So I'm planning to wear it next Thursday when the husbeast and I go to see Eddie Izzard in concert. He's going to be at the Fox Theater in St. Louis, which is always a treat to see in itself, being an old, old school, elaborately decorated theaters. Here, I can't resist a picture:

The online photo galleries are amazing, so if you're into that sort of thing, take a look: The Fabulous Fox

At any rate, today's stuff: Water - 60 ounces so far, on track. Supplements - On track. Exercise - Treadmill tonight. Comestibles - 

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Jay Robb's - Whey Protein, Vanilla, 15 g 55 0 0 12 75 0  
Prairie Farms - Large Curd Cottage Cheese, 3/4 Cup 150 6 7 18 675 6  
Driscoll's - Raspberries - Fresh - Raw, 0.25 cup (123g) 15 4 0 0 0 1  
  220 10 7 30 750 7  
Generic - Egg, Hard-boiled, Large, 1 egg 78 1 5 6 62 1  
Chicken - Breast, meat and skin, cooked, roasted, 0.25 breast, bone removed 97 0 4 15 35 0  
Garden Tomato - Slice, 1 medium slice 1/4'" 4 1 0 0 1 1  
Generic - Butter Head Lettuce, 0.25 cup (55g) 2 0 0 0 1 0  
Oil - Olive, 1 tablespoon 119 0 14 0 0 0  
Generic - Artichoke Hearts - Marinated & Quartered, 2 oz 55 1 1 0 0 0  
Oscar Mayer - Precooked Bacon, 1 slices 30 0 2 3 135 0  
  385 3 26 24 234 2  
Hamburger Steak - Hamburger Steak, 4 oz 211 0 7 34 75 0  
Heinz - Reduced Sugar Ketchup, 2 tbsp(16g) 10 2 0 0 380 2  
  221 2 7 34 455 2  
Phormula-1 - Whey Protein, Fruit Punch, 1 level scoop (26g) 96 1 0 23 230 0  
  96 1 0 23 230 0  
Totals 922 16 40 111 1,669 11  
Your Daily Goal 1,000 50 39 113 2,300 45

Hope you all have a great day!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 6/13/14 4:02 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Hey Pam, the morning was pretty horrendous - then someone reminded it's Friday the 13th AND a full moon - so I'm thinking it could have been worse LOL.

SOOOO exciting about the dress - and I totally mean that. Finding something you bought aspirationally fits is such a confidence boost and a concrete victory I think. Way to go!

I've been making lists of things not to forget for my little trip - protein powder, protein bars, roasted chickpeas (I wish I liked tuna because it would be ideal to take, but alas...), work out clothes, sneakers, resistance band, bathing suit (there's a pool - maybe I'll go for a morning swim? and if I don't the suit doesn't take up much luggage space), shaker bottle, water bottle....

Do you do GB? I can't remember. I got the cutest dress this afternoon - I'm tempted to head back to work in a different outfit (I come home at lunch because I only live 3 blocks away).

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/13/14 4:03 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

And vitamins! I just remembered I have to pack my vitamins! I've been really bad about them this week and I know I need to get on it again.

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/13/14 4:07 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

AND! I forgot I wanted to ask, did you get to a water aerobics this week? You had mentioned you were hoping to. 

AND! I'm finally thinking to put up the link to pictures of the wrap I finished. It's been on my living room since Sunday night blocking, I think it's probably dry by now LOL. 

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/13/14 4:49 am
RNY on 12/18/13

LOL, so many posts, Anny! Let's see: GB is a no for me for now. I just can't get over my thing about wearing clothes that other people have worn. I know, I know, they're completely cleaned and sanitized for your protection, etc. but it's a mental thing for me. For now I'm trying to shop sales, Old Navy, Ross and Marshall's, and just trying to buy things that are snuggish now so that I'll have some time before they start falling off me. Now, I'm lucky in that I'm not working at the moment, but I am job hunting. So if I do land something, all bets may be off and I'll have to get over it and try GB so as to not wear the same three outfits over and over!

Water aerobics, no, but I'm planning to go to the pool tomorrow morning. Saturday mornings are quiet at the gym, so I want to get in there and just get the lay of the land, so to speak. I can swim some laps and feel like I've accomplished something in the pool, and then next week I'll do the aerobics class on alternating days from strength training. That's the plan, at least!

That shawl...omg. You did that in like a WEEK?! You're a super knitter! It's beautiful, that Malabrigo colorway is amazing! I decided that after I finish the scarf I've been working at I'm going to try my hand at some mittens. This year I know I'm going to need some nice warm mittens, judging by how cold I am now, so that's definitely something to try. And socks. Now that I've lost weight, I may actually be able to do socks that fit my feet without having to buy six skeins of yarn per pair, LOL! Here's the mitten pattern I'm going to try, if I can get to the point where I'm brave enough to try color work: Eunny Jang's Anemoi Mittens.

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 6/13/14 4:52 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Oh, and for your vitamins, how do you pack them? Do you have daily containers that work for you? I found the best little three-slot containers at Walgreens that I use. I put my morning stuff in the first slot, the calciums that I take during the day in the second, and my evening doses in the third slot. They're small enough to tuck into a purse easily, but big enough to hold all the pills with some room to spare even.

And the calcium pills I was so excited to find on sale recently? Well, I just figured out this morning that I let the low price get the better of me, and bought two huge bottles of calcium carbonate! Ugh! I have to hope they'll take them back in an exchange at this point.

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


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