So embarrassed!

Dianna S.
on 6/24/14 8:12 am

 Today was my pre-op education class.  The nurse was explaining about wound infections and I PASSED OUT! 

Did you know that if you pass out in a hospital they take you to the ER?  Well they do... 

I felt so silly telling each new person that walked in to check on me why I was there.  And the doctor almost kept a straight face when he told me I might want to enlist someone to help me with wound care after surgery. 


Lori W.
on 6/24/14 8:25 am - Pittsburgh, PA
RNY on 05/12/14


I'm laughing WITH  you as I would have been on the gurney with you. I am the same way. I'm sure you were told about the vagal response. "Vasovagal syncope occurs when the part of your nervous system that regulates heart rate and blood pressure malfunctions in response to a trigger, such as the sight of blood." Or in my case, also hearing a description of a medical procedure or injury.

I once sprained my ankle - severely - and as the doc in the ER was explaining why it was so bad, I simply said, "I'm going" and passed out in the wheelchair. My sister and I still laugh about it. She said the doc didn't know what to do and was calling for the nurse.

Luckily my husband is my wound care specialist. He checks the incisions and I just keep my eyes up and ask, how do they look? I have a deep respect for docs and nurses.

Good luck to you!!



Dianna S.
on 6/24/14 9:37 am

that's exactly it! it was the description the got me.  I woke up and the man next to me was holding me I  my chair while everyone was staring.  it only too****il my ears stopped buzzing before I was laughing. 

on 6/24/14 8:45 am

Thankfully my husband has been enlisted to stick the q-tips in places where q-tips shouldn't go....

We thought he had been going deep enough, until my doc today at post-op showed him just how far it was meant to go...

Thankfully, as the patient, I just lie there with my eyes closed and honestly can't feel anything but pressure!  ENLIST SOMEONE QUICK! :)


  HW: 257 CW: 243 RNY 6/16/14      

Lori W.
on 6/24/14 8:50 am - Pittsburgh, PA
RNY on 05/12/14

I got light-headed reading your post.


on 6/24/14 8:53 am

Trust me - it is much much harder on the enlistee than us as the patients!! :) 

Dianna S.
on 6/24/14 10:29 am

my husband is totally my wound specialist. hope he handles it better.  he didn't do too food in the delivery room - YIKES!

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/14 10:29 am

I am sorry this happened to you. My incisions I made my husband look at.They were not that bad looking.Just weird.

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