RNY scheduled for one week from today; kinda freaking out.

on 7/10/14 12:40 am
RNY on 07/17/14

So, I'm done with all of the pre-op requirements; I have my insurance approval, got my multis and B12, my kitchen is stocked with clear liquids and popsicles, I bought new slippers, my job is aware.  I should be excited and ready, right?  Well, I am but I'm also pretty anxious.  I catch myself randomly thinking about what I'm about to do and my heart starts racing.  I wonder if they will give me something for anxiety.  lol 

on 7/10/14 1:14 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

Anticipation is hard but you might feel a sense of calmness the day of WLS like I did.  If not, you can request a sedative in your IV.  I'd say AngryViking should be changed to BraveViking.  Good Luck.

Samantha F.
on 7/10/14 1:24 am - Coden, AL
RNY on 06/09/14

I am a month out from my surgery. I was freaking out at the idea of losing my best friend (food). I am just now on a soft mechanical diet and can honestly say that food has lost its special place in my heart. I feel so much better with this much weight off that I can't wait to see how I feel with the rest off. The freak out is probably normal but in the end it's woworth it. Good luck and Godspeed

on 7/10/14 2:01 am
RNY on 07/15/14

I am having surgery on Tuesday, so we are in the same boat!  Everytime I start thinking about the actual surgery, I get panicky.  So, I try not to think about it.  I have had nights where I've had trouble falling asleep, but then I try to go on here, look at before and after pictures, read stories, etc.  Keep busy, anything to keep your mind off of it.

At the end of the day I think you just have to have faith in the surgeon you chose and the process.  Also think about what will happen if you don't have surgery, and where your life will go.

You will do great!  We can get through it together :)

Surgery Date: 07/15/2014



on 7/10/14 6:22 am

You are making a huge life change!  Some nerves are in order!  I had RNY one month ago, and I feel amazing, the time just flies by.  It sounds like you are ready, so now try some yoga moves, some walking, or some nice relaxed breathing.  Oh, and you should get some calcium.  :)  Best of luck, you will do amazing.


on 7/10/14 7:27 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Anxiety is normal :)  Many people experience this!  I had some anxiety about surgery...but mostly I kept thinking about what a positive life change I was making.  As I was laying in the hospital bed right before, I told them I was anxious and they put something INCREDIBLE in my IV.  I am talking, best drug ever!  I have no idea what it was but a sense of calm came over me and the next thing I knew, I was out of surgery and easily walking to the bathroom :)  And fast forward seven months and I am down 135 lbs since surgery and just got home from two hours at the gym.  So think of all the positives and good luck!

on 7/10/14 12:24 pm

Hi - I'm 16 months post op & I can tell you I was so nervous that I almost walked out of the hospital 5 mins before they wheeled me into the OR. Now -95 lbs later I can tell you it was the best decision I ever made in my life. Do it, you will be thrilled next summer when you are shopping for shorts & you can't find any because medium is a popular size!




on 7/11/14 12:52 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Thank you to everyone!  Just reading your replies eased my mind.  Which isn't to say I won't also be looking for something 'wonderful' in my IV come Thursday.  lol  I also saw my PCP last night for a final blessing and she was so encouraging.  6 days to go!  And kbb I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!!

~ Kristen 

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