Hair Loss a year and a half out from surgery

on 7/30/14 10:59 pm - Leland, NC
RNY on 03/12/13

I will be a year and a half out from surgery in Sept.  I experienced hair loss from around 6 months to 10 months out from surgery and then it stopped and grew back.  Now just the past couple of days I have noticed that my hair has started falling out again!?!?  I don't understand why this is happening all of the sudden.  I take all my vitamins. My weight has stabilized over the last month or so...between 157-158 lbs.  Has anyone else experienced this second round of hair loss and why is it happening? 


on 7/30/14 11:05 pm - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

Everyday, an average person can lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair, but because we have thousands of other strands on our scalp, losing 50 to 100 strands isn’t a big deal. When you start losing more than that and the hair loss becomes noticeable, then it can become worrisome. As women, we have a lot of love and attachment to our hair, so as soon as it starts thinning or falling out, we become scared, confused and begin to question why it’s happening. Turns out, there are many surprising reasons for why you could be losing your hair, some may even have to do with your diet. Read on to find some interesting reasons for hair loss and hopefully they can answer a few of your questions.

1. Stress. When you are experiencing a large amount of stress, physical or emotional, an occurrence called Telogen Effluivum may develop. It is a type of hair loss triggered by extreme stress that makes you shed excessive amounts of hair.

2. Genetics. In some cases, we may have our lovely parents to thank for our hair loss. Fortunately, there are ways to slow down this process by applying Rogaine to the scalp twice a day.

3. Thyroid Issues. If your thyroid hormones are imbalanced, dramatic hair loss is a common side effect. Good news is once your thyroids are under control, your hair should eventually grow back.

4. Iron Deficiency. When your body is lacking in iron, that means you do not have enough red blood cells in your blood to transport all of the oxygen your body needs. This can result in hair loss among other things. So start reaching for those leafy greens or grab a knife and a fork and enjoy that steak you’ve been craving!

5. Overstyling. Aggravating your hair with hair dye and hot styling tools can cause a lot of damage to your hair over time. Your precious strands become weak and brittle, causing them to break or fall out. To prevent this from happening, keep your usage of styling tools to a minimum, but if you must, try setting that hair dryer on its cool or low setting when drying.

6. Too much vitamin A. Incorporating too much vitamin A into your diet could be too much of a good thing. Excessive vitamin A could trigger hair loss, but if you lessen your dosage the hair loss should stop.

7. Not enough protein. If your body is not receiving enough protein, it could begin rationing off protein and stopping your body’s hair growth. It would take about 3 months of protein deficiency for this to happen so start eating more protein before that 3 month mark hits!

8. Tight hair. Over time, women who consistently wear their hair tight so that it pulls at the scalp may experience hair loss. So try giving your scalp and hair line a break ladies!

Read more:

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 7/30/14 11:12 pm - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

just some other info I found.

Hair is one of those non essential parts of the body, meaning that if your body is under stress or pressure from a variety of different things, your body will compensate by focusing on keeping you alive and healthy rather than having a full head of hair! It could be because of a wide range of reasons, which will be outlined below:

  • Vitamin D deficiency: Because most people spend their time in doors, behind a desk or on the couch, a surprisingly high percentage of the population have insufficient levels of vitamin D in their body (Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin through exposure to UV rays.) Studies have shown that low vitamin D causes hair loss. 
  • Too much vitamin D: High levels of Vitamin D can also cause hair loss, which is why it is important to have the right balance of vitamin D. 
  • Iron deficiency: Iron is important for your hair, nails and skin. Too little can cause hair to fall out, or make the hair follicles smaller so your hair strands end up being thinner. 
  • Calcium deficiency: Calcium is also important for your hair, and if you are not getting enough Vitamin D (which is needed for absorbing calcium) Your hair will also fall out. 
  • Stress: Stress causes hair loss, this is widely known, and seeing your hair fall out can just add to that stress. Hair usually falls out 1 - 4 months after the stressful incident has taken place. 
  • Lack of sleep: If you are not sleeping well, this can also have a negative effect on your hair. 
  • The type of shampoo you use: The type of Shampoo you use may also be making your hair fall out. Natural shampoos are much better for your hair and scalp than chemically based ones. 
  • Food allergies: Food allergies, especially to dairy can cause your hair to fall out. 
  • Coeliac (or Celiac as it is known in the U.S) disease: It is not widely known that hair loss is a symptom of Coeliac, which means the small intestine cannot break down gluten, and ingredient found in bread, pasta, wheat products etc. Coeliac can also cause hair loss. 


 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 7/30/14 11:24 pm - Leland, NC
RNY on 03/12/13

Thanks for the info!  I have been under an incredible amount of stress the past couple months... My sleep has been affected and also I probably need to ramp up the protein. I am probably not getting enough. I am alarmed at the amount of hair loss right now. It is adding to my stress!!


on 7/30/14 11:46 pm - Brighton, IL

Wow soothingglow! You have done amazing on your weight loss! Congratulations!



on 7/31/14 2:04 am
RNY on 06/30/14

Hair loss today usually is from something that happened 3 months or so ago. Did you have a very stressful event or some other shock to your system?

   43 years old. 5'8" tall  HW 320 (BMI 48.7) SW 268 (BMI 40.7) CW 198 (BMI 30.0)


on 7/31/14 5:16 am

try adding in more b-50 complex vitamins

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 7/31/14 6:46 am - Canada

Hormone changes are another cause of hair loss. When I went off the pill, my hair thinned for a while.

on 7/31/14 1:06 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

I'm 2 years out and still losing. I'm just thankful I had a lot of hair to begin with. 


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