Food craving and bipolar

on 9/25/14 3:37 pm
RNY on 03/27/13
I am having a craving and its for anything. I know its my food addiction talking. the reason I know is because it's more of an drawing feeling or emotional feeling. It's the need of food that urge. And I can't sleep cause the insomnia from bipolar. Which seems to be at high levels for the past few days. Anyone else have major issues like this more often after their surgery. My doctor has upped my meds to see if they will level me out. Irritability and mood issues have been out if this world here lately.
on 9/26/14 2:34 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Lack of sleep can get you into the craving mood for sure. I don't take bi-polar meds but I do take hormones, which can play with your moods etc... I know my doc who gives me the hormones said if I start to have symptoms to come see him, as my body size changes so will my medication needs. I succumbed to my temptation hunger the other day, and I've been biting the bullet the last 2 days to get back on track. Even though I overate on a sugar free dessert... it was high in carbs, and then sent my carb desire reeling. Is there anything you can do to de-stress? Do you enjoy a mani-pedi, or a massage?  I live in NY and am spoiled as I can get either of those very cheaply. Do something you enjoy and be kind to yourself. Good Luck!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



Lilly M.
on 9/26/14 7:49 am
RNY on 09/10/14


I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know when your last doctor visit was when he/she increased your meds. But, please don't hesitate to update your doctor and let him/her know you still haven't stabilized. I am only 16 days out of surgery and have not gone through this yet. I do know that our bodies may require different levels of some medications for conditions such as bipolar disorder, hypothyroidism, and others. I hope you can get your meds adjusted so you can feel some relief and get some better sleep which will perhaps help diminish your cravings. In the meantime, can you attend a support group? Therapy? I do plan on attending a new support group in October, and I may attend therapy as well. Get all the help you can get to set yourself to do well, is what I always say. Take care, and I wish I could do more.


Revision from Nissen Fundoplication to Roux-en-Y on 09/10/14. HW (214) 05/12/14 SW (198.8)

on 9/29/14 12:04 pm
RNY on 03/27/13
I saw my doctor last tuesday. She upped my meds. Hopefully it will help me. My body just wasnt absorbing my meds like she wished they would. I need to be attending my support group but I havent. Plus I think I need a therapist. I need someone I can talk to. I need someone outside of my situations that I can trust and that does not know any people that I know. That's why I am wanting to go to a therapist outside of my town that I live in. It would make things so much better. I am having a lot more triggers here lately. The sleep thing will take time I think. Maybe after the upped dose of my meds will help.
Lilly M.
on 9/29/14 7:50 pm
RNY on 09/10/14

I am so glad to hear back from you. Here's to you finding a good therapist, and I hope the increased dosage in your meds kicks in for you. Best to you .


Revision from Nissen Fundoplication to Roux-en-Y on 09/10/14. HW (214) 05/12/14 SW (198.8)

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