Newbie( sort of) here

on 10/24/14 9:32 am

Well here I am, a refugee from the VG Sleeve forum. I started this journey in August, attended a seminar in Septmeber, and had my first meeting with my surgeon in early October. I am 67 years old with cardiac and pulmonary problems. After my initial testing, Stress tests, cardiac cath, cat scan of lungs, sleep study, and spirometry tests, I met with my surgeon and seeing that these issues were not serious enough to prohibit surgery, we decided the sleeve was my best option. I have never had heartburn and have taken tums maybe half a dozen times in my life. Two weeks ago I completed my final testing, which was an endoscopy. Much to our surprise, I have the very first stage of Barrett's but already have an ulcer in my esophagus. Think they call it silent GERD. Needless to say, here I am at the RNY forum, my only choice aside from the lap band.Not interested in that as I have a BMI of over 50.

My surgeon suggested I read up on bypass, ask questions, keep my NUT appointment next Friday and then get back to her the following week with my answer. I am trying to get comfortable with RNY. I understand it is a little riskier than the sleeve in that the surgery is longer and they reroute your intestines. She said the diet afterwards is about the same if you want to be successful. Stressed no breads, pasta or sugar. My A1C goes up to 7 when I eat these things so I have pretty much eliminated them from my diet for the last 3 years. I do enjoy a nice box( yes I said box) of dark chocolates and a slice or two of good pizza every few months. Portion control in my everyday eating is my downfall.

When we initially discussed my surgery, my surgeon said that Bypass would be the ideal but with my issues, the sleeve would be preferable. Now she says all surgery has risks, and the only risk is that it will take a little longer. Her practice finds the rate of complications about the same. She said she has operated on folks in worse shape than I am in with excellent outcomes. We both agreed that nothing in life has a guarantee. 

Now I have to decide to take the risk...go big or go home. I don't have a few years to decide.  I cannot continue to carry 311 lbs on my 5' 3" frame without serious consequences. I am fairly sure I will go with the RNY. Please help me to get comfortable..or uncomfortable. Feel free to tell it as it is or was. Thanks.

on 10/24/14 10:30 am

I am 5 1/2 weeks post RNY. I went RNY because I had bad acid reflux and the Dr advised RNY corrects that disease well. Otherwise, I believe I would have gone with Sleeve because it seems less invasive because they don't reroute your intestines. I may be wrong but there seems to be less adjustment, pain, eating stages to go through, etc... I had extreme pain the first week and a half, lower left side where most of the work is done- the dr said it was normal. But they sure didn't mention it beforehand. I have had a difficult time advancing stages, food getting stuck. It's really hard to take a TINY bite and chew chew chew chew when you think it should be going down fine. I don't have dumping syndrome, (blessing).  And I just can't stand those protein drinks any longer so I am not getting enough protein in yet. Trying to get it all in food ( with few carbs) is hard. I also don't like the taste of water now-I never WAS real fond of it-and it's hard not to gulp when you just need hydration. I think if not for the acid reflux, the Sleeve would have been more easy to adapt to. Sleevers may advise otherwise.

I think the key is to remember it is only a tool to HELP you with your weight loss and adopt a new healthy lifestyle. Whichever you choose, work the plan. And keep working the plan to goal. Then remember it is a life style change. Sounds like you need the health benefits.  Good luck Knolmom


Press On! MayaKim

on 10/24/14 11:56 am - Brighton, IL

I had my RNY 26 months ago at age 53. Prior to surgery my highest weight was 265 at 5'6". I had uncontrolled high blood pressure on 3 meds,my LDL was 135,my HDL was 45,my triglycerides were 278 and my blood glucose was usually 180 to 190. I was out if breath going down my basement steps and had daily knee and back pain and had been overweight or obese my whole life even as a child. I lost 145 pounds in about 9 months and have had no problems whatsoever. I have a high pain threshold as I have had knee replacements and RA for 30+ years and had discomfort but not really pain after surgery. I didn't take anything stronger than tylenol but did have pain meds prescribed. I was in the hospital one night and able to get around slowly by myself at home. I do dump on added sugar and get sweaty with a racing heart and cramping stomach pain if I eat sweets. Only about 30% of people will dump though. I am thankful I do because sweets were my down fall before surgery and knowing I will be miserable makes them not nearly so appealing. I just read labels carefully and have only had an issue twice. I am thankful for my surgery every day because I now get full on a small amount of food. My blood work is now excellent:HDL is 84,LDL is 62,triglycerides are 57 and my blood glucose is about 70. I feel like a new person and walk at least four miles every day. No more back or knee pain either and a normal blood pressure although I do still take two low dose meds. My cardiologist says I am no longer at risk for cardiac issues and is overjoyed with my progress. I will say that I credit my success to following my surgeons guidelines ninety nine percent of the time. I stay away from rice,pasta, bread and potatoes now but don't really miss them and the only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. Best luck with whatever you decide!




on 10/24/14 2:33 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

I had the sleeve in 2010 and the post op diet was the same that my surgeon gives to RNY patients. Mine is a little more conservative than I see on here as well. Two weeks clear liquid, two weeks full liquids, 2 weeks puréed food, 2 week soft food then regular diet. 

   The restriction alone wasn't enough to get me to goal and I really took bad advice about how to eat with the sleeve and just didn't do well. I lost about 80 and gained half back. I have maintained half the weight loss for 2 years now. Surgeon thinks Rny will help me get to goal with the malabsorption component. But I know better what to do now so I'm really looking forward to my revision. 

     I, too, was scared of Rny in the past but now I'm more scared of being sick or dying young. I'm having high triglycerides and cholesterol now and I hadn't since before sleeve. My triglycerides were always normal and now they aren't. They are very high and I have to take meds for both. I'm only 39 and want to go into my 49s healthier. 

   Good luck with what you decide. I really think rny can be a great tool if we use it. 







on 10/25/14 1:50 am
RNY on 09/29/14

I was originally going to get a sleeve. During my EGD it was noted I had spaghetti noodles still in my stomach from the dinner I had 13 hours earlier.  Went for a gastric emptying test and was diagnosed with severe gastroparesis.  I feel it was related to Victoza but the Dr said it possibly was worse with the Victoza and something about the pyloric sphincter and back pressure and being at a higher risk for leaks.  He said his goal was to keep me safe and the RNY in his opinion was safest because if it wasn't the medicine causing it he might have to go back in and do more surgery.  RNY he said would be better for my diabetes.  So I agreed and didn't change my mind.  :-D  My biggest worry with the RNY was more deficiencies with vitamins.  I guess time will tell.




on 10/25/14 3:00 am - United Kingdom
RNY on 05/20/14

Dear Knolmom

I am also an oldie...66 years old and although I had no comorbidity complications, I had mobility problems with arthritis in my back, knees and feet.

I had very little surgical pain, I was up walking 4 hours after and stayed in hospital 2 nights....

The only surgery issues I had were tiredness which lasted about 5 weeks.  The first 2/3 months were rough but I think they are for everyone.  I am lucky as I can eat and drink almost anything but I have been super compliant to the doctor's strict plan.  Like you, portion control was always my downfall ( as well as cake, cookies and icecream!) and I am still adjusting to seeing how much I can eat and actually realising that it is way too much for me.   Because of my age,  I loose weight very slowly and I cannot exercise much due to my arthritis which is of course still there.  

HOWEVER....I have lost 60 lbs since surgery(30 before as 90), I wake up every morning with a positive attitude and energy, I no longer feel old or that things are too much trouble or too difficult.  I eat out very frequently with friends and family and travel allot exploring all kinds of new places and food.....I never eat bread,pasta or deserts, mostly protein and a few vegs and carbs if I can fit them in.....this is not a difficult way of life!

The only WARNING I can give you anti inflamitories allowed! My surgeon let me have them when my back went out (but I was too scared to take them!) but as one gets older, this can be an issue...other than this....I am thrilled with the surgery and the process.  But.....I am still at the early part of this journey, I hope I am learning all the skills and control to take me through the rest of my life which I know will be longer, more fun and more fulfilling than the one I was going to have before!

on 10/25/14 10:22 am

Oh my gosh...

I have been reading this sight for a long time but have not posted anything until now.

your story starts so much like mine... I am 67 years old and had my surgery this last May. 

I didn't have the heart trouble you have, but did have the silent reflux and some irritation in my stomach with no symptoms .  Had 2 endoscopys before my surgeon decided to change from sleeve to gastric bypass.

like you I was a little worried about the change but I went ahead. This was my one big chance.

It took me a little more time to bounce back from the surgery than most of the people on this site..probably my ageI was tired in the beginning and had nausea off and on for a few months. No trouble so far with my stomach or reflux.

fast forward to now....this was the best thing I have done for myself

i feel great, better every day.

I started at 327 267....current 201

looking forward to being in the 1s any day now.

best of luck to you


on 10/25/14 3:29 pm

Thanks to everyone *****plied particularly to those " senior citizens". 14 years ago, and prior to my retirement, I was under 200 lbs. I was exceptionally active at work, which was physically strenuous and involved long hours. I remember the days when people would say, do you ever stop?Do you ever sit still? Fast forward 7 years then 7 years ago. In retirement!  I became a little less active. We traveled a lot, and ate out a lot. I was smoking heavily, actually over 3 packs a day. I had trouble breathing, but it kept my weight under control. On 2007, I tried to quit. At the same time, I had a very bad fall, and shattered my kneecap. I had 2 surgeries in two weeks. At the time I had pneumonia, and with the history of heavy smoking, I had an arrhythmia after the surgery. I was in a wheelchair for a year, gained 40 pounds, but never smoked again. After I got on my feet, I moved slowly and had several other medical complications. I gained another 40 pounds. just when I was getting active and loosing weight again, my husband became very ill, and sitting at his hospital bed for days, eating bad food and getting no exercise. 30 more pounds since May just put me over the edge. I can barely help myself, and although he has recovered, he can barely help me. I don't want to go out. Things are just too much trouble. Life is no longer a joy.

The the good news is that as most of my heart and lung issues are a result of smoking, and since I have not smoked for 7 years, my cardiac and lung status have actually improved. I had some chest pains while my husband was in the hospital and was sent for a stress test and cardiac cath. My heart is better than it has been in years, but still not perfect. I have not had high blood pressure, high triglycerides or cholesterol, yet so It appears that my time for weight loss surgery is now, but I amstill afraid. Seeing my husband with no choice but to go through some dangerous but necessary procedures to have better quality of life is giving me the strength to consider the RNY. I was very comfortable with the idea of a sleeve. I just have to get past the fear of a more invasive surgery.

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