What's on your menu this Tuesday, RNYers?

on 1/5/15 8:33 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning OHers, I woke up to a snowy morning - but I'm quite proud (can you tell?!) to say that I still drug my butt out of bed and hit the gym! Much to my surprise it was pretty packed - but that was ok, it pushed me to get back on the Arc Trainer instead of the plain ole elliptical. 

It seems that yesterday's pain was just soreness from Sunday night's poor choices - so I'm feeling much better today and planning a normal day of eating.

How's everyone doing getting back to routine?

Time since surgery: 9+ months

B: Coffee with creamer (when I go to the gym in the morning, I "treat" myself to Wawa coffee on the way home and it is glorious), Greek yogurt with pecans and chia seeds

S: 2oz of deli ham, a Babybel Light

L: Zucchini noodle lasagna cup, sweetened ricotta

S: Laughing Cow Light French Onion Wedge with Fiber Gourmet Wheat Thinables

D: TJ's chicken sausage with reduced sugar ketchup and steam carrots

S: Roasted peanuts, Dole Dippers for something sweet, maybe SkinnyPop if I need it

TOTALS: Calories 1118, Protein 79, Carbs 82, Fat 63

V/W: started

E: 30 minutes on the Arc Trainer DONE!

I used to be AWESOME at getting my liquids in - like typically I'd be at around 90 oz for the day, but lately I've been struggling and I'm forgetting how I used to make it happen. How do you guys stay on track with your liquid intake?

Make good choices!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 1/5/15 8:50 pm
RNY on 02/25/14

Good Morning.  I did great yesterday during the day because I was back at work.  I wasn't thrilled with my evening eating because I was eating and wasn't really hungry just wanted to snack.  I need to watch this closely again. 

Exercise:  I am not able to run for a few days because my hip has been bothering me.  Hopefully after a few days off it will be better.

B:  tea, premier protein

S:  Salted Caramel Greek Yogurt

L:  Tortilla Crusted Tilapia

D:  Filet Mignon, roasted sweet potato cubes, green beans

S:  Grapefruit and WW string cheese

Totals:  965 Calories, 110 protein, 73 carbs, 30 fat

I drink a lot of hot tea during the day for my liquid.  Love It!

Have a great day.


on 1/5/15 10:58 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

It looks like everyone is on the L&F Salted Caramel bandwagon - but man do I miss the Caramel Apple Pie!

I hear you on the evening snacking - old habits die so, so hard.

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 1/5/15 11:08 pm

Anny, my Target had Chobani Apple Pie last night.  Maybe you could check it out if you have a Target in your area.

on 1/6/15 12:47 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Hmmmm....I'll have to check for it. I'm so obsessed with the Light and Fit Greek that I never even look at the other brands.

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 1/5/15 9:35 pm, edited 1/5/15 9:46 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Good Morning!  They were predicting lots of snow for us here, but we didn't get a single flake here in the city!  Up north, however...  It's still super cold, though, and I hate that.  So does the dog.  He's usually a lingerer on morning walkies, stopping to sniff every single thing, but he was all business this morning.  LOL  I can't really help you in the water intake department because I struggle with that too.  I'm good at work, or if I'm out and about, but when I get home it's like I forget all about it.  Maybe I need to drink something else at home?  Or drink out of a different glass?

B:  coffee and a Friendship Fit to Go cottage cheese

S:  turkey pepperoni and a Babybel light

L:  3 oz. ham salad with 1 oz. of Hummuz olive tapenade crackers

D:  Morningstar Farms spicy black bean burger with a over easy egg on top and some salsa on the side

TOTALS:  Cals:  837  Protein:  72  Carbs:  50  Fat:  41 

Stay warm everyone!





on 1/6/15 1:00 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I did like the trainer I did the assessment with, but she isn't who I'll be working out with next week (only because they only have 1 trainer who gets there that early, lol).  The assessment was mainly a lot of background questions and then they tested my body fat and some key health indicators.  I did a few exercises just to show I was able to do some basic stuff and so they could get a sense of where I was at exercise wise.  Hopefully I'll like the trainer I meet with next week, I'll keep you updated.  What the assessment showed (and to be fair this plays into them signing me up for training sessions, not that I'm a skeptic or anything :) was that I really needed to increase my muscle mass.  That I was fit (cardio wise), but my muscle mass was lower than it should be for someone my age.  Which could be true b/c I've done pilates, but zero weight lifting.  So, we'll see....I'll let you know how it goes with the trainer.

on 1/5/15 10:59 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

We're totally getting hit here with the snow and of course it came just in time for rush hour. Now I only work 3 blocks from home, but....LOL

Spicy Black Bean burger with an egg on top?! OMG! I'm in love with this idea and can't wait to try it (though I obviously won't be hitting the grocery store tonight with this weather).

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

Kate M.
on 1/5/15 9:39 pm
RNY on 08/08/14

Morning Anny! So glad to see you made it to the gym! Be safe in all that snow!

If you can figure out how to get all your fluids, let me know, I never get them all in. D: 

Trying to eat lower carb and cutting out all extraneous diet soda (still a bad habit) :(

B: Premier Protein, Scrambled Eggs
L: Leftover Chipotle Burrito Bowl (no rice!), Cabbage and Sausage
D: Red Curry with Rice


1,019 68 47 80 14

Calories       Carbs Fat Protein Fiber

on 1/5/15 11:01 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Oh the diet soda monster - I hear you! Of course my program doesn't want me to have it - but I do allow myself one every once in a while, luckily I've been able to keep it in check. I have definitely read here that there seems to be a correlation between diet soda drinking and regain. Coincidence? Perhaps, but worth the risk? Probably not! 

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

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