What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

(deactivated member)
on 3/9/15 3:20 am

Good afternoon it is so nice to see the sun today. It is almost 60 degrees out. I had a rough past week. My grandfather who was a hundred passed away. I wasn't really in the mood to post a picture on Friday. I also found out a few weeks ago my mother has breast cancer and has to start chemo soon. So I have been on an emotional roller coaster. Even though he was a hundred I am still going to miss him. 

Okay enough sad stuff. Life is good in every other aspect. Em way to go doing the 5k holy crap you should be proud. I am allowed to start exercising again. I am so glad I have felt like a blob. 

I am the baby of the family my sister is 3 years older than I . We didn't get along as kids. But as adults we can actually be nice to each other. 

B:Quest bar had a two minute doctors appointment

L:Egg salad 


D:Filet and a salad

S:Maybe a yogurt if I am hungry

Have a great rest of your day.


on 3/9/15 4:13 am
RNY on 11/21/14

I am so sorry for your loss.  No matter the age of our loved ones, we can never fully be prepared for living without them.  Take care of yourself during this difficult time.

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 3/9/15 4:26 am
RNY on 11/21/14

Good morning everyone.  I had a wonderful weekend.  The weather was spectacular for this time of year.  Sunny and almost 70 degrees.  We somehow skipped winter in the Northwest and went right to Spring.

 I am the youngest of six children.  I have five (yes, I said five) older brothers, so I was the pampered princess growing up.  I adore all of my brothers, and would hang out with them even if we weren't related.  They are all smart and very accomplished, but I may be biased.  While I am single with no children, I have ten nieces and nephews and 11 greats.  Holidays are loud and hectic at the Schwab household, but I can't imagine having it any other way.

I reached a huge milestone this weekend.  I finally made it out of the 200s and into Onederland.  I can't remember that last time my weight had a one in front of it.  I am so happy, and looking to add a lovely piece of jewelry to my collection as a reward.  My next goal is to move from an obese BMI to just overweight.  I'm pretty close, so I hope to be sharing that good news soon.

Time since surgery:  Three months, 1 week

B:  1/2 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 tsp honey and 1 tbsp dried cherries

S:  1 slice black forest ham (no nitrates) and i slice jalapeno jack cheese, heated until the cheese is melty

L:  1/2 cup Trader Joe's turkey chili

S.  Light and Fit Blueberry Greek Yogurt

D:  Trader Joe's Pizza Veggie Burger with 2 tbsp pizza sauce and 1/2 oz lite mozzerella cheese (my new favorite)

S:  Another round of the ham and cheese melt

Totals:  Calories 773,  Carbs 59, Fat 27, Protein 57 and Sugar 24

Have a great day everyone!


 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 3/9/15 5:01 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Congratulations on reaching one-derland!!





on 3/9/15 5:11 am
RNY on 11/21/14

Thanks AV.  I am oh so very happy!

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 3/9/15 5:36 am
RNY on 12/17/14

Woot woot for onederland!



on 3/9/15 7:24 am

Congrats on ONEderland.  It is marvelous..

When I made it to overweight and was no longer Obese,  I cried and cried.

It takes a while to get your brain and body on the same page! 

on 3/9/15 5:41 am
RNY on 12/17/14

I'm getting a late start today because I spent the morning on a plane. I'm on spring break this week so I headed to the beach. Sunny and  80 degrees!

I  am an only child. If you think I might be spoiled, you should know that I am also the only grandchild on one side and the youngest by 10 years on the other side. Definitely spoiled lol.

b: protein shake

s: cheese, cashews, craisins

l: 1/2 blackened mahi mahi wrap and a few sweet potato chips.

s: roasted chickpeas 

d: the other half of the wrap

i have no idea what the numbers are, but I think I've done well for a travel and beach day




on 3/9/15 7:18 am

Congrats to all on your weekend accomplishments.  I was able to spend time with my oldest who is a sophomore in college. Heaven  But, I did miss y'all

B: Slice of boar's head ham

L: 34 degree crisps with brie & fig butter and another slice of that yummy ham

D: TBD...I didn't pout anything in the crock-pot. I am tired after my hour was taken this weekend lol

S: Yogurt, turkey sticks, too much coffee

W&V: done

E: walked about 3 miles with my kiddos at recess. It was warm(ish) here, but there is a ton of water from all that melting snow. They begged to go walk the track & I felt like accommodating them lol

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