feeling discouraged

on 3/18/15 12:13 am
RNY on 04/09/15 with

I feel like no one is supportive of my choice. Through out this whole process my mother was on board when I started finishing my requirements she started the "are you sure" stuff but since I received my approval is again on board with it. She decided to tell me sister who I don't talk to regularly about it and she is not supportive at all. She went on and on to my mother about how I can die during it and its no good and that if I actually tried sticking with something I'd lose weight. I think that comment is what's bothering me most because I don't want anyone to think this is the easy way out. I've only told 2 close friends 1 who wants surgery herself and my my bf.. They just want me to do what makes me happy. 

I'm still on board with the surgery, no one can change my mind but I just don't want to wake up from it with regrets or people saying told ya so. I am not telling anybody else about the surgery until its done.

Han Shot First
on 3/18/15 1:35 am - Flint, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Focus on the support you do have:  your mom, your friend, and your bf.  It's not an easy decision to have WLS, and it shouldn't be.  But many of those who don't support our decisions are ignorant.  They don't understand how difficult it is going through life obese.  They don't understand how many health problems the surgery can improve or even eliminate.  They don't understand how much your quality of life is going to improve.  It's about a lot more than just losing weight and looking good.

Sure, there's risks with any surgery, but I felt I had much greater risks staying obese.  I have a feeling you feel the same way.


150 lost and maintaining!

on 3/18/15 2:22 am
RNY on 11/04/14

I don't think they understand. I had a RNY last Nov. This is hard work. I am very glad I did. 4 months out and 60 lbs lighter. I feel so much better and happy. Good luck and be happy

on 3/18/15 2:39 am - Brighton, IL

Anyone who thinks RNY is easy has obviously not had it! My surgery helped me lose the weight by limiting my portion size and giving me malabsorption for awhile but in order to maintain I have to make wise choices. I chose to eat like a thin person and measure my portion sizes and stay away from processed carbs. I avoid foods that trigger me to eat too much and track my food each day to make sure my calories and protein grams are where they need to be. I choose to exercise in some form every day. There us nothing easy about this but it is doable. And if I want to continue to wear my small stylish clothes,I WILL do it. Just listen to the support from friends and family and remember you end goal--a healthier you. You can do this!




on 3/18/15 2:40 am

You know you are doing the right thing. This is for you and no one else. They will see that this is the best decision for you. People who don't have weight issues just don't get it. We will support you!

on 3/18/15 2:58 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Yup, there will always be the naysayers. My two lines to people are, "Even if you don't understand my choice, I am asking for your support, and to give me a chance to be successful" and " I was was trying to do the right thing with diet and exercise but my body wasn't responding. Now with the surgery I still have to diet and exercise, but at least my body is responding and I am losing the weight." also "I realize I am someone who is always going to have to watch what I eat, but I would rather do it thinner than heavier and have all the medical issues that go along with that(Morbid Obesity)." OK that was three. I think it helps to have some set answers up your sleeve for when you get caught off guard by people. Good Luck.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 3/18/15 9:27 am - MN
RNY on 12/31/14

PLEASE show them this article! There are many others to be found, but this one is short and to the point! You can also find many articles that will verify that having this surgery poses no higher risk on the table than surgery for gall bladder or appendix removal. Your surgeon can also reassure you family!








on 3/18/15 9:28 am - MN
RNY on 12/31/14

Not sure why the hyperlink isn't lighting up, but you can also just cut and paste or copy it in your browser window.







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