RNY 2.0 - second bypass revision surgery

on 2/12/17 1:57 pm
RNY on 10/24/16


:( I found out just before Christmas that I had an ulcer. Had 6 week follow up endo and it's still there, a bad one, and worse than it was 6 weeks ago even on the highest doses anti ulcer meds. Anyone have any experience?

I am looking at bypass revision in a week or so. They will make my pouch smaller and remove my left over stomach :( Anyone have any experiences with this??  


Renee C.
on 2/12/17 2:10 pm - Bellevue, WA
Revision on 02/01/17

:(   i'm so sorry Er1n.  I hope it's a success with a smooth and low-pain recovery.

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017

on 2/12/17 3:49 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Sorry you are going through this. You are very early out to have a revision... but obviously the ulcer is the main concern. I know there are people on here who got ulcers even when they did nothing wrong- no smoking, no NSAIDs etc. 

Good luck

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 2/12/17 5:41 pm
RNY on 10/24/16

Yeah, I'm a non smoker, non drinker, no NSAIDS taker :( no reason for it. I am almost down 70 pounds and doing great otherwise. 

Mahalo F.
on 2/12/17 5:47 pm


I am so sorry to hear what you are going through.

I can't even imagine it!  I have a friend who is 3 weeks out and she just got readmitted and they found an ulcer.

I hope that they can find a medication that will work for you!

I will definitely keep you in my thoughts!

Sending you positive vibes and healing...

Take care!



Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017

HW 283 SW 260 CW 165


on 2/12/17 9:17 pm

I've never gotten an ulcer but I can speak on what it's like to have a sub-total gastrectomy.  I also had my stomach removed, except for the pouch, nearly 7 years ago.  

I haven't suffered any negative affects because of it.  In fact, I didn't even find out until I saw my operative report at 6 months out.  I was upset when I found out because of the permanence of it.  Up until that point I would tell myself that if things don't work out I could have a revision back to a sleeve.  I had a sleeve originally as part of my first WLS but at that time the sleeve was not being done as a stand alone surgery and my sleeve was left very large.  The surgeon said her took about 1/2 my stomach (no bougies at that time) but I never had any restriction.  I regretted losing my pylorus valve and thought about having a sleeve again, except much smaller and that is when my surgeon informed me that I no longer had a pylorus valve.

Fortunately I haven't had any problems.  I do dump but that is a good thing for me since it keeps me away from sugar but the fact that my anatomy has been altered permanently and irrevocably hit me hard.

I have heard from others who were revised from a sleeve to a pouch and apparently it isn't that uncommon to remove the remaining stomach.  I wish I had been more involved in the process when I had my revision but the fact was I was extremely sick and didn't question anything.  I just wanted to feel better and eventually I did so that is the important thing.


WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Amy R.
on 2/13/17 1:24 am

I had something similar.  I actually had kind of a mutant RnY.   My surgeon did a near-total gastrectomy due to severe non healing ulcers that kept scarring and closing my pyloric valve. (of course the pyloric valve went at the same time).  My remaining tiny amount of stomach was fashioned into a pouch and my intestines were routed into the typical RnY configuration.  I also had my gall bladder out at the same time.

Try not to worry too much - you'll do great.  It won't even be noticeable to you after you heal.  If anything, I think removing 99% of my stomach has helped me over the years.  I've had good sized regains (one of 40+ pounds and one of 50 pounds) and I've been able to re-lose that weight.  I weigh less now than I did at my lowest in those first 18 months of easy losing.

Depending on what part of your stomach is going you may also lose the ability to produce the "hunger" hormone grehlin (sp?).  Many DS'rs point to that as a reason for their continued success.  I personally didn't have to be hungry to eat so I'm not sure how big a deal it's been for me but it can't hurt.  And I had a recent endoscopy and my pouch has not stretched AT ALL, even eight years out.

Best of luck to you with the surgery.  Going under the knife is no fun but you'll feel so much better without those ulcers!


on 2/13/17 2:33 am
RNY on 10/24/16

Thank you !! 

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