Anyone here a revision from sleeve? What were you results? Not much on revision forum.

on 6/24/17 7:31 am - Cumming, GA

Hi, any sleevers to rny? I'm not finding much on the revision boards and I'm curious of the results others have gotten.

on 6/25/17 9:13 am

I had sleeve in 2011.Then developed severe acid reflux.In Nov 2016 Have RNY.Have lost another 50 lbs.Slower recovery but no complications.I am limited more in what I can eat after RNY than I was with the Sleeve.Have to chew a lot more and any bread can cause me issues.

on 6/26/17 2:38 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

What do you mean by results? I converted to RNY from VSG to address severe GERD that developed after my initial surgery. If you're talking weight loss, I was 10-12 lbs from goal on the date on my revision. My surgeon told me it could take up to a year to lose the weight (it didn't, but I was very motivated to get to goal.) He said the loss rate is much slower with a revision surgery than with a first bariatric procedure.

If by results you mean did the revision cure my problem, I'd say about 80%. My acid is not 100% resolved and I take 2-3 zantac a day.

If by results you mean does my life vary with RNY v. VSG, the answer is yes. I developed dumping syndrome, so any time I eat sugar (refined or natural) I have some sort of reaction; heart palpitations, sweating, shaking hands. I also have RH which I hate more than the dumping. Other than that, nothing has changed. My portion size is back almost to where it was the day before my revision (I'll be a year post revision on 7/1)

If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to answer.

on 6/26/17 8:18 pm
Revision on 05/23/17

I am just a few weeks out from my revision from a sleeve. My gerd seems to be improving as I was on 3 meds daily and now I'm down to 2. My surgeon wants me to stay on the 2 for many months. He said its shown to help reduce the occurrence of strictures. Something about the acid can cause a stricture. He also said there's a chance I'll have to stay on one medication for life. That's not what I want but it is much better than the 3 I was one.

Stacy (commentor above) is a great person to chat with! She answered several of my questions prior to my revision.

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