7 years out need to re-address my issues

on 1/15/18 2:42 pm

I had an RYN in 2010.. I have never reached my goal, but I know life's cir****tances have lead me to give up on my efforts. NOW I need to re-address and take care of myself. I am exhausted and have had several symptoms in the last 2 years that I believe is linked to my malabsorption in addition to my lack of self-care.

My PCP is not as proactive as I would like and my surgeon has advised that I watch my proportions, exercise and continue to see the psychologist for any emotional blocks. While I feel they are helpful, I am not losing weight. I have maintained the same weight for the last 3 years. I work fulltime during the day and have a night job 2 nights a week so my time is limited to keep going to appointments that only give the same advice.

My recent lab work is as follows:

Total Cholesterol 204 HDL 52 Triglycerides 157 LDL 124

HDL 52 Chol/HDLC ratio 3.9 NON-HDL 152 Glucose 109

Calcium 9.3 Protein total 6.7 VitB12 617

Albumin 4.0 Vit d 28L Iron 65

Folate serum 21.9 TSH 2.82

Any suggestions, positive encouragement or suggestions are GREATLY APPRECIATED! I cannot do this alone, and I need to keep focusing on me!

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.

on 1/15/18 3:51 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

Is that your entire lab report? How many vials of blood were taken? When I do my yearly check, they take at least 7 and probably more.

Your report says nothing about iron (ferritin, hemoglobin, saturation), B12, D, A1C and a whole host of others. If you are having problems, you need a much more thorough work up than this. I'm on mobile at the moment, but if you search the site for blood work recommendations, you'll find an extensive list. I will also recommend a DEXA bone density scan and a 24-hr urine collection calcium test.

This is your health and clearly you can't depend on your doc. Might be time for a new one. In the meantime, please search here and ask questions so you can get back to feeling well. Let us know how you get on!


on 1/16/18 8:58 pm

Jen thank you for the guidance and questions! Just seeing the replies from the forum today has been encouraging!

I did have more labs:

iron-65 hemoglobin-13.0 B12-was 617 D-29L

But no...

ferritin, saturation, bone density test or calcium test.

I will ask about those!

I will keep on pushing/demanding.


Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.

on 1/16/18 9:45 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

Super! If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you definitely have to be your own advocate! Let us know how you get on.


on 1/15/18 3:55 pm - CA
RNY on 10/07/13

I found this on another thread about vitamins.

http://pamtremble.blogspot.com/2008/10/labwork-recommendatio ns-after-wls.html?m=1

I've read through this before and it's spot on.


on 1/16/18 8:59 pm


on 1/15/18 5:53 pm

Most of us have to re -address issues from one time to another. Life happens and things change and we have to change with things in all we do to mitigate the damage.

People do not work two jobs because all is well and there is NO stress.

Stress alone will prevent your weight loss. After you have addressed your vitamins, lab values etc. consider adrenal function/cortizol levels.. there are several natural ways to address this..check you tube for natural ways to address. do your research on those as well. Most are thing you can incorportate into your lifestyle... things like deep breathing, praying or meditating.

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 1/15/18 6:44 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

Sure, stress can prevent weight loss. But 95% of the time, it's "eating too many calories" rather than stress.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 1/16/18 3:32 am
RNY on 07/03/12

I am almost 6 years out. I did lose all my weight but I followed every rule to the letter. Now, I still hold my self very accountable, weigh my self every Monday morning and still follow those damn rules. Is it easy? No and this last month I gained 4 pounds. I found that I let up on a couple things, things that I have stayed steadfast on for years. Is four pounds a lot? Nope, I still fit in all my clothes, no one noticed but that scale and I have a date every Monday morning. What will happen if I keep letting up? 4 will turn to 6, 6 to 8 and so on. It scared me. I worked to hard for this. My advice to you? Go back to the rules, set some hard guidelines, no drinking with meals, weigh yourself no matter what. Take some baby steps but do it. Don't buy the food you like to eat. You can't eat it if you don't have it. Make one small goal each week. They add up. Go back to the beginning when this was exciting. Get excited again. You can do this.

on 1/16/18 9:29 pm

Oh my YES~! I drank more water today than I have in a long time. I know how quickly 2,4,6 adds up.

Small baby steps... are forward steps and sometimes I forget that. I find my all or none thinking setting me up for failure as I quickly give up when I don't see quick enough progress or when I stumble.

You would think... I could listen to my own advice, as I work daily telling others how to appreciate the little things.

Please continue to remind me- I don't want to sound needy but I really do not have a home support and I find the words of encouragement from others in this forum to be VERY HELPFUL!

Thank you!

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