wendygail’s Posts

on 6/1/23 9:14 am
Topic: RE: Pissed Off but Thankful
I have nobody but me for the 76.4 total pound gain over the last few years. That being said, to the ones that have said that I;ve gained back every bit of weight that I've lost, THANK YOU FOR ******G ME OFF AND GIVING ME THE DETERMINATION TO GET THE WEIGHT BAACK OFF AND GETTING AND STAYING AT MY GOAL WEIGHT.

My starting weight was 427 pounds I am at 306.4 now. My lowest post surgery weiuught was 230.0 pounds For now, my personal goal weight is to get to 227 pounds. That is what I weighed when, I got married 27 years ago. After I reach that weight, then my doctor and I will determine how much more I need to lose.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/13/20 7:31 am
Topic: RE: New glasses
I don't know about online but, Walmart has some nice frames, at decent prices.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/13/20 7:30 am
Topic: RE: Premier Protein
Has anyone tried the Premiere Protein w/Oats? What was your thoughts? Likes/dislikes? Just trying to figure out if it's worth the $$. I like Premiere Protein but, it can be quite $$$

Thank you for the help.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 12/15/17 5:45 am
Topic: RE: Bad Breath
I had some major stank @$$ breath for three-four weeks post op. I kept a small bottle of mouthwash and a travel size toothbrush & toothpaste with me. As well as Breath Savers. Just be careful with the sugar free mints. They can cause some serious gas. Well, at least they did/do for me.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 11/6/17 6:17 am
Topic: RE: Blood work/vitamins
I never take my vitamins the day of blood work. As my doctor orders "fasting" . So, nothing to eat or drink past midnight. Thank goodness, my doctor's office does blood work early in the morning.

The only issue is, my B12 levels use to run high. So, I've cut back to taking it every other day (I take the sublingual). B 12 levels have been normal.

P.S. My primary doctor does blood work every 12 weeks. Which, I know is overkill but, I'm okay with it. She as well as myself, wants to keep on top of things.

P.S.S. Please excuse any misspelled words. My coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 2/15/17 7:23 am
Topic: RE: Im Back after 7 years with a 45 pound weight gain.
You asked "How do I start again?". Honey, you just did. You took the first step by realizing what was done (weight gain) and possible why it happened. You've took the lead, and found a support group, and are going to said meeting. You CAN DO THIS!!!
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/19/16 9:54 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Monday Menu, RNYers?
Good afternoon all ya'll!!
QOTD: The little privet school I attended, sadly, closed down a couple of years after I graduated, way back in 1987. But, there are many of us that, keep in touch via Facebook, And, we do, from time to time have a reunion of sorts. The last being about 4 years ago.

My husband is on the pre-op diet, as of this morning. His date (he'll be sleeved) is October 14th. I'm doing the pre-op diet with him, for support,
B-1 GNC Lean Shake 25 Orange Cream, coffee with half and half
D- 1-GNC Lean Shake 25 Orange Cream
S(uper) will be a frozen Lean Cuisine or some other meal*
S(nack) 2 more GNC Lean Shake 25 Orange Cream

* The frozen meals are per Nut's suggestion. She said it was easier to do that since the calories and protein are listed on the box. I will fix us a plate from time to time of real food. As I will be cooking for our 17 year old son
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/15/16 7:57 am
Topic: RE: Lord give me strength
Thanks ya'll!!
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/15/16 7:17 am
Topic: RE: Lord give me strength
I had RnY October 29, 2007. I lost 195 pounds. But, regained 63 pounds. Since June of 2015, I have lost 25 pounds (Go me!!).

My husband is scheduled to be sleeved October 14th. He will start the pre-op diet this coming Monday (9/19/16). I told him when we started this journey of getting him approved for surgery that, I would do the pre-op diet with him . As well as the different phases of post op diet. Looking at the caloric intake for him (1400) and the caloric intake for me (1200), all I can say is "Lord help me/us".

I know this will help me almost as much as it will help him, with the weight. And also, we will have each other now to give/receive support from.
We can do this!!

P.S. Sorry for rambling on.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 2/10/16 9:32 am
Topic: RE: Weighing in today
Good luck!! Let us know how it went.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 12/18/14 2:31 am
Topic: RE: We are at terminal Countdown... Report on 2014
WTG Don!!
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 11/4/12 9:55 pm
Topic: RE: When did you start eating Salad?
I didn't start eating salad until I was allowed to eat "normal" food, such as beef, chicken, turkey etc. etc. I love 1000 Island and Ranch dressing. Most vinegrettes,
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 11/4/12 9:52 pm
Topic: RE: Is it ever ok to drink with meals? New twist on an old topic!
The problem I have with drinking with a meal, is I have pain/pressure when I do. Kinda like really bad gas pain. Also, I've not been able to eat more than a couple of bites. So, therefore I don't get the protein I need. If you must drink with a meal, make it just a small sip or two, and thats it.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 11/4/12 3:47 am
Topic: RE: Something of a delicate nature
check with your surgeon first, but as the previous post said, M.O.M. could help. You may want to try Colaice. But like I said, check with your surgeon first and see what he/she recommends. Good luck.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/10/12 12:57 pm
Topic: RE: Bowel Obstruction
I had one before I had WLS. Matter of fact, on my original surgery date, was when my dr discovered it. No problems since then.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 6/5/12 3:53 am
Topic: RE: Vacationing with non-WLS eaters sucks!
Been there, done that For me, it use to whiz me off big time that my family wouldn't give a flip about what "I" was feelig, at the time. Or that there was no food there that I could eat.
A few back handed remarks would be made, or they would ask me if I wanted something loaded with sugar, (yes, I "dump") or something they knew I couldn't keep down. I stared to over look their stupidity (that might be to strong of a word). When we go on vacations, or up to see my parents in N. Georgia, or family get togethers, I make sure there is something that I can have.
It does get frustrating at times, but I have to look out for me.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 1/13/12 8:32 pm
Topic: RE: How I get in 64 oz of water or more each day
Good plan. And GREAT JOB getting the water in. I have a 1/2 gallon pitcher that I use. Keep it in the fridge, fill it up 2-3 times a day. Husband and son know not to get in it.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/9/11 9:34 pm
Topic: RE: Post Ops: If Only You Knew....
I generally keep my mouth shut. But once in a while, comments get under my skin. I told a "friend" that had really upset me once that I was fat, and she was ugly, I could change my "diet" and loose weight, but she would still be ugly. I know that wasn't a nice thing to say, but it sure beat what I was wanting to tell her.

 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/7/11 11:10 pm
Topic: RE: Post Ops: If Only You Knew....
Get ready for people to attack you verbaly for taking the "easy way out". Like having major surgery is easy. Get ready to live life again.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/5/11 7:24 am
Topic: RE: Peanuts and peanut butter Really????? No........
Been eating peanuts and peanut butter since a year out. Doesn't bother me. Once in a great while it will, but I tend to stick with a serving size,
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/3/11 8:40 pm
Topic: RE: OT wedding question
I have thought about it, and even mentioned it to my husband. He told me flat out NO!! His reason, he didn't want to have to put on a suit. It didn't make me mad or upset, I actually laughed. He did say that he might consider renewing our vows at 20 or 25 years. We've been married 15. So something to look forward to.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 9/2/11 11:58 pm
Topic: RE: What if we DON'T cheat?
Great post kelly.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 8/25/11 8:01 pm
Topic: RE: New Primary Doctor.
Thanks Paula F.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 8/25/11 9:01 am
Topic: RE: New Primary Doctor.
It sure is.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 8/25/11 9:01 am
Topic: RE: New Primary Doctor.
I did. It went over their heads. The doctor I was seeing has moved to another office.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
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