wendygail’s Posts

on 8/14/10 12:00 am
Topic: RE: My doctor said not to expect to lose after 12 months- was that your experience?
No doctor in his/her right mind will tell you when you will "stop" losing. I had a stand still and even a 16 pound gain when I hit 2 year mark. It has only been in the last 3 weeks that I have begun losing again. Grant it, it is only 4.6 pounds. But I'm losing. I do believe your doctor needs a refresher course in WLS
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 8/4/10 11:26 pm
Topic: RE: Any Regrets??
Lets see, do I regret being able to fit into the seats at the movie theater? Do I regret being able to breathe easier, to walk a mile and not give out, to be able to play with my son, to be able to fit into a booth at a resturant, to have my life back? The answer is I HAVE NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!

I am 99.9% positive that you won't have any either.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 8/2/10 12:08 am
Topic: RE: Are you donating your old clothes or keeping them just in case?
No, I didn't keep my "way to big" clothes. Why should I set myself up for failure. Get that word, failure, and way of thought out of your vocabulary and your head. You have been given a new lease on life. Grab it with both hands and don't let go for nothing.

That being said, you may gain a little. I'm almost 3 years out and have gained 16 pounds. Which I am getting it off. That doesn't mean I've failed. It's just a stumble. It is normal to have a little gain. BUt it's ok. Just pull yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on track.

I have donated most of my cothes to a 2nd hand store and to friends that needed them.

P.S. I didn't mean to fuss, but it hurts to see people set themselves up. :-}
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 7/26/10 12:01 pm
Topic: RE: finally had a not-so-wow moment...
Theresa, what you are going through is very normal. I cried for two weeks. I can remember wanting a salad. A good old salad with 1000 Island Dressing. Had my surgery October 29,2007. Wasn't released to eat salads until January 2008. Your doing great. And I know it doenst help much now, but thing will get better. I promise.
on 7/26/10 11:50 am
Topic: RE: Post op diet-1 week out
I would stick with the cottage cheese and yogurt for a few days. Then try the egg again. Eggs are hard for a lot of people. I'm 2 1/2 years out and from tme to time, the eggs come back to kick my tale.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 6/23/08 5:43 am
Topic: RE: I'm back from Disney World!
Hey Amanda,
I went to Disney a couple of weeks ago. My 9 year olds first tiime there. I know what you mean about not having a lot of "good choices". But I did notice that they had salads at the magic kingdom. It was a grilled chicken breast, sliced, with mixed salad greens and a little cheese. The only dressing I saw was fat free italian. A lkittle ove $7.00. Of course could not eat the whole thing, only about a third. I did that 2 of the 3 days I was there. The other day I had half a hot dog on a bun, plain. Boy did it set heavy. Lost 4 poud in the 3 days that I was there. I was excited that I was able to fit on the rides with comfort.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 6/18/08 12:37 am
Topic: RE: Dumping questions
Forgot to add. I was 3 weeks out. Felt like I was gonna die. Tried bananas again a week later, same thing, happened, sweets, heart racing, throwing up, head ache. I f I smell bananas today I start dry heaving (sp).
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 6/18/08 12:34 am
Topic: RE: Dumping questions
Bananas. I will be 8 months out on the 29th of this month. And still dump on them.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/20/08 12:36 am
Topic: RE: What are you eating today? - Tuesday!
Good Tuesday Morning ya'll !!

B: 4 oz cheese cgrits (2%cheese)
1 egg "fried in 2 tsp canolia oil

L: 1/4-1/2 c lima beans

D: "hamburger steak", salad, mashedpotatoes

s. no sugar added applesauce

s. "chocolate" milk using sf chocolate syrup

Tha's the plan so far. I am at my parents, and may have to change my lunch.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/16/08 1:21 am
Topic: RE: OT Rant - DH doesn't stand for Dear Husband
Your husband sure does sound alot like mine. Hopefuly yours didn't do like mine. Mine usualy goes in the kitchen about 10:30pm and makes him a "snack". Which consist of 2-3 sandwiches. He stands at the counter bu the fridge to make them. The way I can tell he has done this is I have gotten up the next morning to go cook breakfast for us and son and have had to throw away a container of may, and container of lunch meat,where her "forgot" to put it back in fridge. Hello, you were right there dumbass. Also, his plate and knife are sitting right there on the counter.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/16/08 1:11 am
Topic: RE: Diflucan & Prilosec
I take Prilosec OTC for heartburn and no problems. My surgeon/NUT said that it was fine to use it. Don't know about the Diflucan.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/16/08 1:09 am
Topic: RE: Super WOW moment!!!
GOOD 4 YOU!!!!!! Keep up the great work.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/15/08 4:05 am
Topic: RE: Any good recipies
Check with Eggface. She has a boatful of realy great receipes.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/7/08 2:06 am
Topic: RE: any regrets?
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/5/08 2:46 am
Topic: RE: *****
I know how you feel. Had a "friend" that saw me at my heaviest weight (427 we think). This same person saw me last week (6 months out) looked at me and said" At least you haven't gained all your weight back". I told her I wasn't gaining weight I was still loseing it. How could she not she that. I am down about 120 pounds since surgery, 150 altogether.
Some people should wear signs that say "Stupid" so we know what to expect from them.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/2/08 1:13 am
Topic: RE: Finally, some WOW moments!
Congrats on the WOW moments. Who knew that being a "loser" would feel so good. LOL
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 5/2/08 1:09 am
Topic: RE: Rude Pharmacist
Not only would I gove Target headquarters a call, but follow up with a letter/e-mail to them and your Target as well. No one should have to go through or put up with what U have.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 4/28/08 11:39 pm
Topic: RE: Tuesday AM Funny for you all
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 4/23/08 12:27 am
Topic: RE: Constipation
From time to time I use a stool softner with a laxative in it. Try not to because I take enough pills as it is with my vitamins. If I'm having problems, I will get me a strong cup of coffee, and walk, walk, walk. Will be "moving" in no time.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 4/23/08 12:22 am
Topic: RE: what to eat now??? HELP!
I know how you feel. Felt the same way. Sometimes I still feel that way. My dog loves me even more now, cause the little snot gets my left overs.

When I cook, I try to cook enough for 2 meals. The next day, I will fix left overs for my husband lunch. Then I will fix my lunch and give the rest to Bubba (the dog). What I don't eat from my lunch/supper I will give to him as well. Since I've had surgery almost 6 months ago, poor old Bubba has gained 15 pounds.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 4/23/08 12:14 am
Topic: RE: I took your advice and it WORKED!!!
I don't own a scale for that reason. I know I would be on it 100 times a day. I weigh once a week. Either Monday or Thursday at the support group I attend.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 3/23/08 7:45 am
Topic: RE: I am going to eat three birds and DH is the Chef
Sounds good. We had chicken,potatoes and 7 layer salad. Chicken and potatoes were grilled by husband.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 3/18/08 10:54 pm
Topic: RE: 2 WOW's
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 3/17/08 10:58 pm
Topic: RE: You Said It's Okay to Reach Out...so i need help (Long).

Slow down and breathe. I can't offer a lot of help. But what I can do is lend you an ear to talk and an shoulder to lean on.

The best thing I can tell you is to make an appt. with your doctor. Tell him/her what you just told us here. They can and will give you the best advice and help you need. I'm sorry I don't have more.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
on 3/16/08 10:40 pm
Topic: RE: Banana dumping?
I can't "do" anything banana. Not even juice. Have tried eating protein first,but no help. And I love bananas. Hopefuly,you can have it with protein.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
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