Thanksgiving Ramblings

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/13 4:06 am

Oh, boy of boy, do I think you're normal. The feeling of loss you describe happens for people at different times, but I don't know a single WLS surgery patient that hasn't had similar feelings at one point or another. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NORMAL!

I also think it's great that you are acknowledging these feelings. That is really important for long term success. I went through the same thing, too. AS a matter of fact, I realized this week that I was sort of tired of being on a "diet" for the last two years. I had to talk it through with myself and also with my partner because it isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle, but at times I sure do want to dig into a bowl of pasta with alfredo sauce and pancetta or a couple of greasy gooey pieces of pizza rather than a chicken breast when we all go out to Italian food. Yesterday I went out to brunch/lunch with a friend. She had three eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast and coffee. I had an egg and about a 1 1/2 ounce slice of ham. It was a choice to stay on plan and something I have to do to, as Frisco says, "Protect the Skinny"!

Sometimes you may get sick of what you're doing. Realize this is a normal feeling and it will pass. You just have to ride it out and not let it be an excuse to go off plan. Use this time early out to build some really strong, good habits that will get you through maintenance. Trying things at this point is probably not in your best interest in the long run. Just my opinion.

Me, I think you're on the right track. Stay on this path of awareness and stick to a good food plan. Do this and you'll be successful!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

on 11/24/13 12:53 pm - ID
VSG on 09/23/13


Thanks, I don't think I have ever been called normal before :)!  I'm glad you can relate.  When reading your posts I can always really relate to yours, cookies and cake have always been my downfall too.  Oh how hard is Christmas going to be?  The pasta with Alfredo sauce sounds sooo good, not even the pasta, just the Alfredo sauce would be yummy.  Right now though eating out is useless because I don't like leftovers all that much and three small bites of something doesn't seem worth the expense.  I really think it is the portion size that is tripping me up.  The head hunger thing is really strange. My stomach ( I call her grumpy cat) is protesting over eggs lately and I can only eat half of one anyway when I can eat them.  It is tiring though always thinking about what you eat and how much.  I guess it is the stress of the holidays, at least my compulsiveness toward food is gone. I have noticed that when I have given in to temptation, I forgive myself and get right back on track.  Before surgery I would have just said, " I already went off track, might as well just eat more junk", and I would have, now at least there is a pause.  Your right about trying things, I think it was more a moment of weakness, then trying, but your right it's not in my best interest and I am at least now owning my weaknesses and mistakes, which is a huge thing for me.  It's also great to have the support here and know I am not alone.  What a relief.....wishing you positive thoughts as you go through your own thanksgiving treat nightmares this week!  Pack lots of strong cheese and veggies!  How long before you could eat raw veggies?  And thank you so much for your thoughtful response, I appreciate you taking the time.......



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