To Make An Announcement ----- Or Not???

on 9/25/14 12:52 am
RNY on 02/17/14

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming surgery!  I can't say whether it's a good or bad idea to share your surgery on Facebook, as that decision has to be yours alone.  I told my immediate family, my boyfriend, and a close friend who had been a wonderful help and support before, during and after my surgery.  If I were on Facebook, I would not have shared it, but that's just me.   I have been asked since then if I have had WLS, and I did not lie about it, although I am not completely comfortable talking about my experience to anyone who asks.  


on 9/25/14 12:59 am


I had the same feelings about having my surgery. I told everyone on facebook and at work. I found so much support by friends on facebook that I didn't even know had the same surgery. I found it to be a very positive experience.

Good luck with your decision and on your surgery.

VSG with Dr. Hollis on 9-17-14


HW 250 (3/14/14) CW 218.4 (9/7/14) TWL 31.6 LBS


on 9/25/14 2:17 am
VSG on 08/14/14

Like others have said, it's really a personal choice as to whether to broadcast it on FB, etc.  If you are confident that careless, thoughtless, or mean remarks won't bother you, or hurt a relationship, then NOT hiding it I would think is simpler.  There's just no way to know what anyone will say.

I chose to only tell family and close friends.  I didn't announce it at work, not because of any shame, but because it could be a source of a) gossip and b) create more bad feelings towards the company's health plan: I switched to my hubbies this past enrollment since they covered it.  My co. changed to a high deductible plan (6K for a family) and they've never covered *anything* related to weight-loss.  There are still a lot of p.o.'d folks about health insurance change.  I didn't see any reason to add fuel to the fire.  Honestly - if it weren't for the weird work dynamics, I would have probably shared what I was going through on FB.  If anyone outside of work asks me about my weigh-loss (how I'm doing it) I tell them.


Sammy D.
on 9/25/14 2:32 am - New Bern, NC
VSG on 11/06/14

I would stir the pot if it were me, of course I work for a company where any form of WLS is excluded. Fortunately, I was able to secure a loan for this life saving procedure. The WLS community could definitely stand to continue to raise awareness and step up its advocacy to show insurers they would be so much more prosperous covering WLS than it would be to cover treatment of obesity related illnesses. Of course we know the drug companies would rather line the pockets of insurers to not cover WLS. WLS is a huge threat to the drug industry.


HW: 478+ Consult: 478 Pre Op: 453 SW: 438 CW: 293 (7-20-15) GW: 225 LBS Gone: 185

VSG with Dr. T. Ryan Heider at the Center for Surgical Weight Loss at Lake Norman 11-6-14

ACTS 2:38

Donna H.
on 9/25/14 2:40 am - MI
VSG on 08/04/14

I only told a few people before surgery: husband, daughter, parents and 2 friends (both RNs). I did my research and though confident in my decision, I was still a bit nervous about having major surgery. I didn't want to hear the horror stories that people have to share when they hear about WLS.  After surgery, I told my siblings and my husband's family, and several friends. People have started noticing my weight loss and if they ask how, I tell them about the surgery. I haven't shared on FB though, but I might in the future. Since telling others, one friend told me that she recently attended a WLS seminar and is considering a VSG for herself. I was able to share my experience with her and now I can offer her support if she chooses to go through the surgery herself. People have all been supportive so far, especially those who have seen my weight loss struggles for many years.

5'6" ConsultW: 312.4 (3/29/14) VSG w/ Dr. K Krause: 287.4 (8/4/14) 

Pre-op: -25 M1: -16.8 M2: -10.8 M3: -14.4 M4: -7.3



on 9/25/14 4:46 am

I was not brave enough to announce on social media, but told friends, family and co-workers and am honest with anyone who asks what I'm doing to look and feel this great! I have had exactly ZERO negative comments, (or maybe I just don't care for negative opinions of those who are not on my side in this fight for good health)!  I did have some good discussions with those who cared about me and were genuinely concerned for my well being but I don't consider these to be negative experiences. 

I have a friend who DID announce her upcoming sleeve on Facebook and as far as I know had nothing but encouraging responses. And a few discussions as mentioned above with concerned friends that she did not see as negative either.  I'm a firm believer that you get back what you put out there and she is a SUPER positive SUPER encouraging person herself.  

Sweat is fat crying

on 9/25/14 5:10 am - Lisle, IL
VSG on 09/09/14 with

I started a blog when I made the decision to have surgery and shared it with only a few people at first.   But once all my close friends and relatives and my boss knew, then I blasted it on Facebook.  Now, every time I make a blog update, I share it on Facebook.  I have had ZERO negative comments, and have had more support then I could ever dream of!!  People that I haven't talked to in a long time are keeping track of my progress and encouraging me.  I also as that people share my blog with family and friends in the hope that I can help others who are considering WLS.  Feel free to check out my blog:  

I wish you lots of luck!!!


  follow my journey:

on 9/25/14 6:12 am
VSG on 10/16/14

I personally wouldn't make it "public" so to speak, I was thinking about doing that, I go on the 16th.


I stopped telling people because not everyone is positive and supportive with this major decision.  I frankly don't want the negativity weighing me down and giving me doubts as my date is quickly approaching.




on 9/25/14 6:34 am

I am scheduled for my surgery on Monday, and the same dilemma was on my mind for a while. It seems like most of the people here who did go public had great experiences, and that is awesome! I have chosen not to tell anyone who is not a close personal friend or family member. The reason being is that the couple of times that it did slip, the feedback I got was very negative. I have now been told several horror stories, been informed that within 5 years my VSG wont even be effective anymore thus allowing me to eat normally, and one particularly nasty woman insisted that if I couldn't lose weight the normal way I probably lacked the conviction to do it with what she felt was a radical solution. My close friends honestly are not much more help either, telling them hasn't aided or hindered me. They all want to support me, but unfortunately that translates to eating fast food in front of me while I choke down my protein shakes, and insisting that if I cheated the doctor would never know. All while the continue telling me that I am crazy to do something so dangerous. Bottom know who the people in your life are, I think that telling people offers this amazing opportunity for you to gain a lot of support but,  id just hate for them to rain on your parade like mine have so my advice for what it is worth: Take care in who you tell.

on 9/25/14 8:02 am

Hmmmm this is an interesting post! When I had lap band surgery in '05, I was hesitant about letting anyone know about my surgery so I limited my announcement to my immediate family (mom dad sis) and 2 friends. Others soon learned about it because one friend has a blabber mouth lol. If I decide to be revised to the sleeve, I think I will only tell my immediate family and 1 close friend. While I am not ashamed of wls, I have learned how differently we are treated once people find out we've had the surgery. It's so funny, because I have dieted and taken diet pills to lose weight, and I have never been judged on it or shunned because of it. However, there's something about wls that can sometimes bring out the ugly green-eyed monster in others. Once some of my so-called "friends" saw how much weight I was losing and how little food I was consuming, they no longer cared to have me around or be around me. I lost most of those so-called friends soon after my surgery. It was sad at the time, but I no longer miss them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it all depends on you and the people around you, how much you know and trust them. Wls is not something I would care to share with others unless I am very close with them, but you may be someone who is very comfortable sharing that with others. Go with your gut! Mine has never let me down. If you feel great about sharing your wonderful news with others, then do so. If your gut causes some hesitation, then think on it. 




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